Chapter 18

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"S o why have we never spoken?” I ask Zayn, we had just left the beach after we grabbed some ice cream cones, I was still only in a bikini top and Zayn only had on swim trunks and a tank top that showed off his warm skin covered in black and colored tattoos. It had taken me so long to stop staring at them but they were mesmerizing, everything about Zayn was mesmerizing. 

“I’m shy,” he says “but you’re shy too, so I thought here we were with no pressure of school and no Liam on my back begging me to stop talking about you.” Zayn says with a small smile “So it’s just, no pressure and if this all fails then no one else knows about it.”

I laugh at Zayn’s comments, he spoke about he was shy about wanting to talk to me but nothing was shy about him. Zayn had tattoos and a confident look and stride, when he spoke his voice was thick and sure there wasn’t even the idea of nervousness in him. It wasn’t in the way he moved or the way he looked at me, and yet I knew he was telling the truth.

“Well I’m glad you finally did, I try to keep my distance from everyone at that school.” I say licking at my ice cream cone as we walked down the side walk as the cars and other people walked by to their destinations, but Zayn and I had nowhere to go, we were just walking and didn’t have an idea of where.

“I can tell, expect those other two girls who are they?”

I sigh I didn’t think they would come up, I hadn’t thought about either of them at all while Zayn and I had been together today.

“Camila and Lauren, yeah, but I’m too close with them anymore.”

“Oh?” Zayn says licking at his ice cream “Why not?”

I sigh and run touch my now naturally curly locks “because I fucked them up and they aren’t speaking anymore.”

“I’m pretty sure you couldn’t have caused that, unless it was some type of popular girl kind of shit.”   

I scoff “Never in a million years would it be some I-wanna-be-popular- type of shit. It’s just, I can’t tell you everything because they are not my secrets to tell, but the thing is I want to talk about it. I need too, it’s been eating me up alive today… well until I started spending time with you.”

Zayn gives me a smile and looks away again, “So do you want to stay like this, or do you want to talk about it?”

“Nah,” I say “I’d rather stay like this,” I turn and look back at Zayn, from his snake tattoo up to the wings and then his beautiful eyes, he smiles back and at me and his arm comes around my shoulder and he brings me close to him so that he was taller than me, and I was down against his chest smiling against his skin. Zayn smells like salt water, ash, and something that’s a mix of darkness and delight and I can’t even put my finger on what it was but it was one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed.

“So tell me more about yourself,” I tell Zayn as I take hold of the hand rubbing up and down the side of my shoulder and hold it in my own, his thumb rolls across the skin of my hand and that’s when I noticed the bird tattoo on his own.

“What do you want to know?” He asks

“Hmmm… what do you do for fun?” I ask looking up at him and he looks forward, lips pursed thinking.

“Well I go to beach, even though I can’t swim. I like to draw, any form of drawing is one of the best things for me to do and I like to sing.”

“Really?” I ask him “I would love to hear you sing,”

Zayn chuckles “Maybe you will one day,”

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