Chapter 09

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W h y not?” I whine leaning up against Lauren “Lolo, if Kordei doesn’t have a problem why aren’t you?”

“Because you have chosen Teen Wolf way too many times and I don’t want to watch it.”

Kordei sighs and rolls her eyes; we were sitting in her theater room in the basement, which was filled with fancy movie chains and an 80inch television, we were fighting about what to watch on Netflix. Ever since earlier Kordei was being really funny acting, she was back to being a smarty-pants and I wanted her to get back to the wave she was before and how we talked on the phone and our conversations at school, but now she was being mean for no reason I could come up with.

“How about instead of watching Netflix… why don’t we just talk? You are the one that said we should get to know each other Camz, we ask each other questions and we have to answer them, no skips.” Lauren says looking from me to Kordei.

“Whatever,” Kordei says “I’m down.”

“I guess we can,” I say and sit down in the chair next to Kordei who gives me a small smile. “So who is going first?”

“I’ll go,” Lauren says and sits in the chair next to Kordei’s so she was in the middle of the three of us “Kordei… what’s your full name?”

“Normani Kordei Hamilton,”

“Whoa, you use your middle name?” I ask and Kordei nods at me. “Me too! Karla Camila Cabello,”

Kordei smiles “Nice one, Camzi.” Then she turns to Lauren “I ask a question now?”

Lauren nods “Yeah, and after everyone answers a question we start over again.”

“Okay, well then Camzi, you say you don’t want anyone to know about your relationship with Lauren, but it doesn’t even seem like you guys are friends outside school, what’s up with that?”

Lauren snorts and runs a hand through her hair, we didn’t have this conversation a lot, but I knew that Lauren wasn’t OK with the choice I had made.

“She runs with a different crowd than me, and they aren’t the nicest people, even if I was to make my relationship public with Lauren I still wouldn’t hang out with her friends.”

Kordei nods “They all seem pretty much like they love to judge.”

“Especially Alexa,” I add

“Oh gosh, I have her in my history class, such an asshole. No offense.” Kordei quickly turns and looks over at Lauren taking her hand and squeezing it, but Lauren doesn’t look that impressed with her.

“Oh, she mad.” Kordei says with a smirk and lets go of Lauren’s hand and turns back to me “OK, your turn to ask a question Camzi.”

I look over at Lauren and wonder what question I should ask her, I’ve known this girl my whole high school career and I knew her really well so I would probably end up asking her a question I already knew the answer too.

“When do you feel most in my element?” I asked her, most likely I already knew the answer but I asked her anyway, it was always the most beautiful thing to see her talking about something she was passionate about, and it wasn’t  like she was overconfident, but she knew things about herself and she was totally OK with who she was.

“I think it’s when I’m on stage singing music that I really love, either at my bar with my regulars or somewhere knew gaining new people that become interested in me, just being on a stage singing is where I feel at my best.” Lauren smiles “There is nothing like the rush that runs through me before getting on stage. 

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