Chapter 21

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"Z a y n, " I say once I make it to his table with Louis, Liam and another blonde boy. Zayn looks up at me, smiling then gets another look at my face, his smile drops “Oh god, Normani what’s wrong?” he says and gets up from his table and wraps me in my arms, I tuck myself into his neck and let my arms wrap around his waist, I felt weak the two girls had been pulling on strings of mine that had not been played in such a long time and it hurt, it hurt like hell. I could feel hot tears burning my eyes and I squeeze my eyes tight trying to erase them all before they even fall. I couldn’t face this I didn’t want too. So instead I had my body wrapped up in Zayn’s and leaning against all the comfort he gave me.

Zayn didn’t ask questions, he just ran his fingers through my hair and moved our bodies back and forth and hums in my ear and kisses any place on my face that he can reach until I stop shaking and my tears stop falling.

When I pull away he takes my hand and intertwines our fingers, waves to his friends and pulls us out of the lunch room, I keep close to him our bodies always pressing and close.

Zayn ends up pulling me to an abandoned staircase, he let’s go of our hands and sits down on one of the steps and opens his legs, I step inside the open space and he places his hands on my waist and looks up at me, his eyes are bright and open around the darkness of his hair and tattoos, he’s not smiling but there’s still an idea of a smile there. “If you want to tell me you can, and if you don’t we can talk about something else.”

I take a deep breath “Remember when I told you that Camila and Lauren had stories I couldn’t tell you?”

He nods

“Well, I think I’m going to tell you anyway.”

Zayn nods

And with that everything comes out, every single piece of my time with Camila and Lauren, us all together and apart falls from my lips like a waterfall not one area of it but all of it and it feels better to let it all out, and Zayn just sits and listens, nodding his head in the appropriate places and he doesn’t falter at all when he comes to the realization that I want to be with the girls romantically he doesn’t even raise an eyebrow or bat a lash and that helps a lot. Once I’m done and close my mouth, I fall forward against Zayn my arms around his shoulders and my face in his neck and his hands rubbing at my back in circles.

“It’s just I’m so fucked up they don’t need to know about that stuff,”

“But they want too, Normani”

“I know, but still they shouldn’t have too.”

I come up from Zayn’s neck and look him in the eye “Do you want to be with them? In this poly relationship, forget all your past bullshit and just think about how they make you happy. Do you want to be with them Normani?”

I take in Zayn’s question and I answer “Yes,”

“Then be with them, you’re making this so complicated. Relax start this relationship and if you want to tell them everything, tell them, and if you don’t then don’t. You get to make these choices not anyone else. This is your choice about what you want to do.”

I nod and lean up against Zayn again “If they can make you happy and forget about past bullshit then you should do it; you should be with them, both of them. And frankly, I think you need them, I think you need me too.”

“I need you Zayn, you keep me sane.”

“You realize we have only known each other for a weekend right,” he says and holds me tighter and chuckles and I let out a bark of laugh.

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