Chapter 42

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This isn't edited so please forgive any mistakes here


"I'm so glad your parents were understanding this weekend," I tell Lauren as we walk into school hand in hand "Camzi' mom freaked out, Camila is so grounded I swear."

"There's no other reason she wouldn't text us back, her mom probably flipped so hard she had a heart attack." Lauren says with a sigh "at least we got her some coffeé hopefully Camz got some sleep last night," but we both knew Camzi, whenever she and her mom got into it she would always cry no matter how little the fight was, which also meant she wouldn't get a good night of rest and after the crazy weekend we had it was totally needed. So Lauren and I made our way to Camila's locker to hopefully cheer her up if she was still upset.

We saw her sticking folders into her locker her long hair touching her booty totally natural, which meant she slept in instead of running the flat iron through it, even from here I could see how tired she was.

Lauren pulled me forward by our intertwines hands before letting go and holding Camila close, Lauren's arms around her middle and her head on her shoulder. Camila smiled at and leaned up against Lauren, a natural reaction of hers.

"I'm so sleepy," she whines "My mom practically ate me alive, but it could have been worse." And Lauren kisses her cheek as I run my hand up and down Camila's arm in comfort.

"Lauren got you coffee," I told her and Lauren let's her go a little so she can hand it over and Camila hums with happiness.

"Have I ever said I loved you guys? Because I do, I love you so much." She says before taking the straw into her mouth and drinking her iced coffee. "oh gosh it's hazelnut, I love hazelnut."

Lauren just chuckles and kisses her forehead, our conversation goes back to normal things, classes, music, what we should do while Camila's grounded which sucks completely.

"I mean seriously, no TV, no music, no going out with friends, no car! My mom drove me to school which was totally awkward because besides the fact she grounded me she doesn't talk to me and when she does she talks to me in this dry voice like she would rather be doing anything else! She didn't have to drive me to school! I didn't ask her too!" Camila says as we walk her to her first hour "but what sucks the most," she takes another sip of her coffee "is that I won't be able to get your goodnight texts until I get my phone back."

Lauren sighs "maybe I should say it before your mom picks you up after school," and Camila snorts in response "as if! if my mom sees you two kissing me she will for sure lose her shit,"

Lauren eyes widen, while we were getting ready for school I told her about Camila swearing and she just laughed me off saying I was crazy. I gave my girlfriend a wink back.

"You still don't want to tell you like girls?" I question and Camila shakes her head.

"God, you should hear her comments on gay people she acts like they're other wordy, like were aliens are something, last time I checked I'm still a normal girl,"

I chuckle and Lauren laughs as well while Camila snips more coffee and I was already starting to regret the fact we gave it to her, she was going to be bouncing off the walls.

"I'll see you in gym Camzi," I say before leaning in and kissing her (and her coffee) and then leaning in to Lauren and kissing her as well.

"I love you," Camila and Lauren say at the same time and I smile back at them both.

"I love you guys too!"


"Zayn! Where have you been?" I questioned when I saw my best friend, he was sitting with his boys in class and they all smiled at me and I nodded in agreement before looking back at Zayn, who wasn't looking at me.

"I've been with Perrie," he says, as if that answers all my questions.

"Who's that?"

Zayn scoffs and doesn't say anything. I raise my eyebrows "Dude what's your problem? Boxers in a twist?"

Still Zayn doesn't say anything so I roll my eyes and turn to Liam.

"Since Zayn is acting like a baby can you tell me who Perrie is and why that means he didn't answer any of my texts this weekend even though he read them all right after I sent them?"

Liam looks at me wide eyed then at Zayn. "Um, well, Perrie is Zayn's girlfriend now. And um, yeah. You met her at his party? Ring any bells?"

"Oh! The blonde, she seems nice Zayn," I said turning back to him but still he doesn't talk to me and I sigh again and turn to Louis "Louis, do you know why Zayn isn't talking to me right now? Or better yet, why he is acting like such a baby?"

Louis just laughs out loud "He's mad because he's not dating you!"

That gets Zayn's attention and he turns and punches Louis' arm.

"Nah, I lied that's not the real reason, you would have to ask Zayn but he isn't talking to you right now..." and then louis is laughing all over again and I roll my eyes.

"Well then tell Zayn he can call me when he stops acting immature."



I always hated when Camz got in trouble especially since it wasn't her fault this time she was actually helping a girl she loved and made things better for herself, Kordei, and our relationship and then she gets punished for it and because of that I wanted to do something sweet for her.

Since she was so down in the dumps about not being able to text and talk to us and stuff after she gets home for school I decided to start writing her letters to read before bed or whenever she was down in the dumps, whenever Camz is on punishment she always seems to be upset.

Dear Camz

I can't believe I never thought of this sooner, but i think you'll need these now and appreciate them. I know how much you love for Kordei and I to say good night to you so here's another one and everyday until you get your phone back I will write you letter, telling you everything I love about you. one by one.

1. I love your smile, I know you say you don't like it because your teeth aren't straight but neither are you so does it really matter princess? I don't think so. Baby, I love making you smile and seeing you blush. I like when you watch movies with Kordei and I and you have this look on your face like you have never been happier than in that moment.

2. I love how clumsy you are, you almost kill yourself everyday Camz but I promise I'll be there to catch you when you fall. even if that means I'm by your side every minute and every second of every day, don't worry because I will enjoy it. Expect when your in the bathroom, you're on your own in there.

What I'm trying to say Camz is that I love you a lot, goodnight Karla Camila Cabello, I hope you have a great night and sleep well.


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