Chapter 39

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I am so fucked.

But the thing was, I wasn't upset that it was going to happen. I was upset with-

Hell I didn't even know.

I just kept looking at Lauren and Camila and those stupid looks of pity and like they were dying to know what was going on with me. And I understood why they wanted to know but that didn't mean I was ready to share it with them yet.

And I felt so closed in. It had been at least three hours since I had woken up from my nightmare (that I still didn't remember) and they had both been latched on to me since. And that I wouldn't have minded so much if they had been doing it for the right reasons. Both girls had been just watching me, and literally watching me staring at my profile with these stupid looks like they were just waiting for me to burst into tears and need to be held in their arms.

And I didn't want that. Nor did I need it.

"Well, I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I say and they both stare up at me and nod as I get up from the heavy theater room chairs and dart out of the room like Dean Winchester out of Hell. I darted up the stairs to my room and into my bathroom slamming the door behind me. I took deep breaths and tired to relax and calm my heart rate.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and run through my contacts before I find the right name.

"Hello?" he says voice rough.

"Oh no, were you sleeping?"

"No, I was um..."



"Are you nodding your head Michael?"

And that makes him laugh and I laugh too, the uneasy feeling in my stomach lighting up.

"Michael... do you wanna come over? I think... I think I'm ready to talk about everything..."

"I thought your girlfriends were over?"

"They are... shit kind of hit fan and they just, it's like they don't know how to act around me anymore. They keep looking at me like I'm this broken toy and-"

"But aren't you though?" Michael stops me.


"See? You know exactly who you are and your past and you don't want them to see you as you really are? Don't put on some façade for them. They still will love you."

"Can you please, just come over and talk to me? or better yet, just listen?"

Michael sniffles but I can hear a smile on in his voice "Text me your address and I'll be there as soon as I can, Normani."


When the door bell rings I fling myself out of Lauren's grip and run to the door and throw it open to see Michael Clifford standing there white hair, green eyes, and small smile on his face and he is exactly what I need right now.

"Mikey!" I yell out and before even thinking I throw myself at him, my arms around his neck.

"Whoa!" He says but catches me easily and his hands drop to my waist and he holds me to him, one hand at my hair rubbing up and down. "You must be going through hell,"

I nod against his neck and smell his cologne one last time before I pull away and Michael smiles at me. "Mikey, really?" And I smirk "What? I can't have a nickname for you?" and he just rolls his eyes in response.


Michael and I both turn to see Lauren and Camila standing in the door way back. Lauren's bright green eyes are dark and her arms are crossed over her chest lips pursed, while Camila just looks like a kicked puppy. I roll my eyes.

"Guys you remember Michael from the party, right?"

"Uh huh." Lauren says while Camila says nothing.

I suppressed a groan but I couldn't help but leaning all my body weight to my right leg and putting a hand on my hip. Even the oblivious could tell I was annoyed. I was so on edge today and looking at Lauren was making everything worse. Anger rolling up and down my body, making my stomach turn. "Can you guys please not be the evil jealous girlfriends? I really don't need that shit right now."

Camila takes an actual step back from me like I actually did kick her and lauren just squints at me and raises her eyebrows as if begging me to say more so I can piss her off.

"We were just having a good time why are you-" Camila starts but I stop her when I raise my hand.

"Please, no questions and no looks of pity. You can do that shit with my parents. But right now I'm gonna sit with my friend and not have that. we'll be in the hearth room." I say grabbing Michael's hand and leading him through my house.



"What the hell does she think this is?" I spat, watching her figure walk through the house. "We are trying to be here for her and she wants to act like a bitch?" I yell throwing my hands up.

"Lauren stop," Camila says, looking down at the ground playing with her fingers her hair covering most of her face.

"Are you taking her side?" I question walking towards my girlfriend and she puts her hands up in surrender and looks at me, her big brown eyes staring into mine.

"Do you remember what she was like? When we first met her?" Camila asks me and I think back to those first days, when I was only dating Camila and Kordei and I did not get along. I and nod my head "she was kind of an asshole,"

"Well we were making out in her spot in the library." Camila says and gives me a small smile then takes my hand "she was being rude and defensive back then and just like she is now. Just leave her be. she'll warm up when she needs or wants too."

"She has no excuse for being so rude to us,"

"Like we never have our bad days?" Camila questions me "Look, all I'm trying to say is that, what if Kordei is being mean like this because she doesn't want to talk about it? We both heard her say she didn't want to talk about it, and rather we like it or not she isn't talking. So... she pushes us away? I mean we're not going anywhere but she wants us too. She wants her space and we need to just give her that. She will warm up when she finds it safe again." I take a deep breath before speaking again.

"I never told you about how Kordei and I finally got together but I think you should know," I take Lauren and lead her to the living room and I sit her down on the coach. "the reason Kordei and had what we had was because I opened up to her before she opened up to me. I told her about my favorite books and my hiding spots, the reason I don't get along with my mom. When she realised that I could trusted her only then did she trust me and start to fall for me. Fall for us and that's just how it's happening this time. Let's give her whatever she needs to open up about this.

"Kordei and I, we had some type of spark, it was small but it was enough to start something and then I started to see it was going to be you that was going to start the fire, you made us work, but now I'm going to need you to let go of your pride and your anger and let her come to us." Camila looks down at our intertwined fingers and then gives them a squeeze. Please just wait for her, don't be so upset."

Camila smiles at me, like she is so proud of me for coming into her life and starting something inside her, even through all the ups and down and all the trouble we always came together again. and I can't think of anything to say so I just lean in and kiss her.

"You're to good for us, you know that?" And she smiles back at me and laughs.

"Yeah I know, but I'm too invested to leave now."


This is a filler chapter but I wanted to keep the fluff of camren because ya know, fluff. I'm sorry for such a long wait for a chapter. ANOTHER ONE WILL BE UP TODAY!


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