Chapter 29

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" Z a y n! Zayn, wait!" I called as he was being pulled away by some teachers I could see blood on his shirt and hear his groans. "Oh my god Zayn!" There were teachers all around him holding his body up. His eyes were closed.

"Move!" I yelled at the people surrounding him, finally breaking through them all, they sat him down on the ground while I came to him. He was leaning up against the wall but his eyes were open now. Looking at me through his eyelashes.

"Hey Lottie," he says softly

"Lottie? Who's Lottie? I'm Normani." I try to laugh off my fear as I look Zayn over.

Zayn chuckles but it looks painful. There was blood trickling down his chin from his lip and the inside of his lip. The side of his face was swollen and purple. His clothes were ripped and covered in his blood.

"Lottie fits you." He says closing his eyes again "have you ever seen the Phantom of the Opera?"

I shake my head "What are you going on about Zayn?"

"Watch it sometime, Little Lottie."

I nod my head "I will, I will. Zayn who did this to you? Please tell me." I beg. I feared for his life if he was hit in his temple he could die. It was obvious that Zayn had been beaten badly. But why? Zayn hasn't done anything wrong. Zayn was nice to everyone I couldn't see anyone being upset enough to hurt him. A boy who wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Don't worry, love." Zayn coughs but then sits up a little more "You look like you need a hug." His arms come up and I fall against him. I didn't care that his blood would be all over me or that I still didn't know who would hurt him I just needed to feel him, I needed to know he would be okay.

"Are you gonna be OK?" My voice is small and slow, fear escalating as the question falls from my mouth.

Zayn scoffs "this is nothing, I'll be back tomorrow. I don't want you to worry about me."

"Miss." A voice calls from above me and I turn to look to see a blonde woman, some teacher or consluer, speaking to me "the ambulance is here for Mr. Malik- you can go with him if you like but he needs to be moved now."

I nod up at her and move out of the way so the men with the stretcher come up and begin to move Zayn from the floor. Once he is on the stretcher I take his hand. "I'm coming with you," but Zayn just chuckles and shakes his head.

"I love you but don't worry about me. I'll call you when I can OK? Now go do something fun instead of worrying about me."

"I love you too. It's my job to worry,"

Zayn opens his mouth to speak again but the men pull him away before I can hear his words. I watch him go, dumbfounded about all of it.

I turn back to the teacher lady, "Can you tell me what happened to him please?"

She nods but is obviously shaken up "a boy, Chris Jauregui came into class today and just attacked him. No one has any idea why, he just had this look in his eye I have never seen before. I have never seen... So much rage. I wish I could have done something but watching it all unfold... I'm glad you didn't have to witness that. Are you his girlfriend?" She asks me. Instead of correcting her I just nod.

"Wait, Chris Jauregui?" I question looking at her again.

She nods "There both in this class."

But I wasn't hearing her anymore everything was fading out as a word repeating over and over in my head.



I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. When she answered I barely gave her time for a hello.

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