Chapter 35

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"Yes Zayn, I'm aware we are running late stop whining and host your guest." Kordei tells him rolling her brown eyes as she prances around her room. Only dressed in a bra and underwear.

"Yeah Zayn! Leave us be!" I yell towards her while she speaks to her best friend on the phone. We had been getting ready for Zayn's party all at Kordei's place. Her parents were gone for a business trip so the House was ours for the weekend and I knew what that meant. That sometime this weekend I would be having sex for the first time. And not just with one amazing girl but with two.

Fear and excitement were rolling through my stomach all at once. More excitement than anything but I still worried about it. What if I did something wrong? What if I messed up? And they're were going to be three of us, so were the rules different? I was too terrified to look up porn and find out Because apparently lesbian porn wasn't a good representative of lesbian sex.

"What are you thinking about?" Lauren asks once she comes over to me wrapping her arms around my naked torso.

"Sex," I say truthfully and I can feel Lauren frown against my skin.

"Are you worried about it?" Lauren says turning around so she is in front of me, she pushes my wavy hair away from my face "We don't have to do anything you don't want too."

I shake my head "No lolo, it's not that.. It's just, what if I don't do it right?"

Lauren's green eyes just stare into mine but she doesn't say anything like she was trying to figure me out.

"Kordei," Lauren calls out not taking her eyes off of me and I raise my eyebrows in surprise

"Yeah?" Kordei says as she comes back and takes in what she sees before walking to Lauren and wrapping an arm around her waist. "What's going on?"

"Please tell our girlfriend there is absolutely no way to have sex incorrectly." Lauren tells Kordei, Kordei's eyes widen and she looks at me, confusion on her beautiful face.

"There is no way you can have sex with us incorrectly." Kordei says and takes my hand gives it a squeeze "It will be perfect, I promise."

I sigh and look away "I know, I know. I'm still worried though, I want to everything to go awesome." I say I can feel the blush running and down my cheeks and my neck and Lauren's soft laughter fills the air.

"You have nothing to worry about," she says then she stops and looks away "wait maybe you do..."


"What you're going to wear to this bombass party!"


When we finally arrived the party was already in full swing and Kordei was instantly pulled away by Dinah Jane and Ashton who wanted her to be the music mixer. She pulled away from Lauren and I blowing us both a kiss.

This time Zayn had gone all out, his latest party was in his backyard against the woods but this time floating lights danced around us and the color changed with the beat of the music. It almost was like magic.

One of the reasons I really liked Zayn's parties was because it was the one time there was never any problems, Lauren never fought with Zayn, Kordei would dance and have the time of her life, and I felt like I was apart of something more than just my own life. I could watch Ally and Troy fall more in love with each other with every second that passed. I could humor Harry and all of his stupid jokes, and I could spend time with Niall. But more than anything I felt like I had more friends than I ever have. Everyone knew my name and there was always someone to talk too.

I had always been something like a loner and I never really knew what it was like to spend time with a lot of people and be a teenager and now I was experiencing it all. I would stay out late and go to parties and make bad choices (not completely awful choices but you know, bad enough to have me freaking out with worry I can not get arrested Kordei! I swear!)

So as I looked all around me and the music blasted from invisible speaks is closed my eyes and smiled, I was finally being a teenager and enjoying it.

"Lauren! let's dance!" I tell her and she raises an eyebrow.

Cher Lloyd was playing throughout the speakers and I tried to remember the way Kordei moved to the music.

Boy, I know that you want some of all this

But I'm out with my girls and you can't touch lightning

So we dance, and we dance like you're just not there

I start to move from side to side trying to catch the moving beat, Lauren stands behind me I can feel her rocking along with the beat, so I turn so I'm facing her and her green eyes are dark as she dances, I watch her hips move and try to recreate her movements.

Lauren looks up at me and her arms coming to my hips, pulling us together and making me follow her movements. I follow them easily, letting her be in control of my body.

Only been over here 'bout a minute

But you already sound like a dick, stop tryin'

So we dance, so we dance like you're just not there

Cause ew!

What's wrong with you?

No, the problem is not my attitude

But you're, ew, just not my type

And the next time I won't be so polite

"Get it girls!" I fear Niall call out and then the crowd joins in with his calls cheering us on. Lauren smiled and through her back. Lauren loved attention and thrived off it, which is why she loved being on stage so much. she smiled so bright as everyone cheered us on.

I let out my own cheer and through my arm on Lauren's shoulder and she pulled me closer placing her lips on my own. I could feel her smile and I smiled back before placing another kiss on her lips.

Hey, this could be great, this could be cray!

This could be the mother fucking party of the year!

Trying too hard, tryna to be hot

Trying to keep talking to us when we don't care!

Keep it all in your pants boy

Keep it all in your pants boy

(This could be the mother fucking party of the year!)

"Yeah you fuckers! Keep it in your pants!" A voice says a voice Lauren and I both know well, we both look up to see Kordei smiling in the crowd, drinking a beer watching the show with the others.

We dance as our girlfriend cheers is on until the song ends and the crowd cheers. Kordei comes up to us first and faces the crowd.

"And they're both mine! So fuck off!" She yells smiling and raising her cup and the crowd yells back in return and with that I can tell tonight is going to be awesome.


This chapter sucks I'm sorry. I've been really busy and I just had my college audition for AMDA so wish me luck! This that is done and over with I should be able to update more. Yay.


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