Chapter 24

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this chapter is for Ali because you called me out on no smut, and also Jasmine becaue I know Laurmani is your favorite so here you goooooooooooo HAVE FUN READING THIS LONG CHAPTER! 


ps still no beta so please forgive for my grammer isusses and things of that sort.


T h e morning had went insanely well, just lying in bed with Lauren and Camila watching TV and talking had been very therapeutic and I was really beginning to notice a lot of differences in the three of us.

Lauren was the soft realist, she always thought things through before deciding what should happen next, it was almost like she wanted to believe that everything could work out fine but she also knew that happy endings only rarely happened. We had been talking about Teen Wolf and Camila happens to be a very huge sterek shipper.

Two characters in the show were Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale; Camzi felt as if they had a lot of sexual tension between the two and that they could be madly in love in they ever had to chance to explore the relationship.

“What the hell?” I asked laughing “How the hell did you get that?” I moved a little closer kissing her forehead “You’ve been spending way too much time on tumblr”  

Camila just laughed me off and went on and on about the fan art and fan fiction that the other sterek shippers had been writing and how obsessed she was with all of them.

“Camz,” Lauren starts “It’s seems to me like there’s more chemistry online than actually on the show, so maybe it should just stay your guilty pleasure, because most likely if Jeff Davis gets his hands on sterek he will ruin it,” Lauren runs her hands through Camila’s hair twirling it around her finger “Just like how he did with like, half of his characters.”

And Lauren was right, one of the many things the three of us had bonded over was Teen Wolf and how much we all enjoyed the show and at first Lauren and I had been against it because of the way Camila spoke about the show so often, even at the sleepover we had those weeks ago we were still weary of it, but when Lauren and I finally sat down at watched we had been transported to Beacon Hills and the lives of everyone there. In a way I could a lot of Camila in Scott McCall.

Camila was very soft and genuine, she wasn’t the type to lie and do bad things for no reason, in a way Camila was very innocent but she also knew what she wanted, she would get excited and jump around for joy. She liked the simple things like reading in the sunlight, cooking breakfast, and just spending time with Lauren and I. and in a way she kept us sane and innocent and not so serious and I couldn’t thank her more for that.

I when I watched Lydia Martin I saw a lot of Lauren, the hot smart girl with a smart mouth and only used it when it was needed or when she felt threatened but in the end had a huge heart and was already to defend the people she needed too, even when she didn’t have all the facts. Lauren and Lydia always had to prove a point and was always the smartest person in the room.

I didn’t see myself anywhere in the TV show but that I didn’t mind that, when I said it out loud to the girls though they both complained, “No way!” Camila shouted turning over to look at me, pausing the TV “You would so be Derek,”

I look at her my whole face squinting up as incredulousness crept in my system as I looked at her I raised a hand in the sense of ‘no way’ and ‘why would you think of that one’

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