Chapter 44

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Miss me?


By the time school let out I was dreading going home more than ever, I didn't want to hear my mothers stupid tone of voice that practically screamed "I'm so disappointed", I didn't want to hear my my sisters sass, "make sure you do the dishes"

So when the last bell rang I ran to Lauren's classroom where she and Kordei were both waiting for me with open arms.

I smashed into them holding them close "god, I do not wanna go,"

"You have to baby," Lauren says while Kordei rubs my back. I snuggle against them more.

"Don't make me,"

"We're not, but think about it you'll get in more trouble if you don't go." Lauren says before pulling away, sliding me off of her and fully on Kordei. she digs into her pocket and pulls out a piece of paper. "Here, I made you something, read this right before bed okay?"

I nod my head and stick it in my pocket. "thanks?"

Lauren nods. "Now, kisses, you're mom will kill you if you take to long."

Moving away from Kordei, I get up on my tip toes and press my lips to Lauren's, her hand brushes my neck and holds me close to her I hum against her soft lips and I grab onto her waist. Kissing Lauren was one of my favorite things in the world.

She pulled me back from her, her cheeks pink and a huge smile on her face. "I love you baby,"

"I love you more, Lauren."

"Now me!" Kordei says playfully opening her arms for me and I laugh, Kordei never really shows her playful side but I was so glad that today she was. I wrapped my arms around her neck and she held me close. "don't let them get to you, remember you are the most amazing girl ever and Ariana ani't shit."

I giggled at her bluntness and pulled away to press my lips to hers. She smiles against my lips and i smile back before letting my fingers come up her shirt and land up on her sides before pressing in.

"Ah!" Kordei blurts pulling her mouth away.

"I KNEW YOU WERE TICKLISH OH MY GOD" Lauren ends up yelling before she starts laughing hysterically.

"Shut up," Kordei says at Lauren but she was smirking, she grabbed Lauren and pulled her close to us.

"As if you don't have any sensitive spots." As Kordei says it her hand comes across her back and I watch Lauren's body shutter completely from head to toe.

"Gawd," she breathes out and her head lands on Kordei's shoulder.

"You guys are so cute." I say as I watch Lauren's breathing come back in control "Kordei, you have to teach me that trick, OK?"

Kordei nods and runs her fingers through Lauren's hair.

"I love you guys, see you guys tomorrow!" I say before turning towards the doors. they all say there goodbyes back and I already know that as soon as I get home I'm gonna be missing them terribly.


"You're coming to my show tonight right?" I asked Kordei as we walked out of the school and to her car hand in hand.

"Of course I am, I think my dad wants to come, actually," Kordei says


"Yeah... I've been telling him about you guys and well... he likes you guys and so he wants to get to know you and-"

"Kordei, stop rambling, it's okay, I would love it if he came to my show." I said stopping her from explaining I give her a smile as she opens the car door for me. "seriously, i would love it if both of you came."

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