Chapter 02

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{Normani Kordei}

T h e only class I ever went to every single day in this lame ass school was Zumba Fitness, the class where I could forget all my problems listen to the Latin-pop music and rock my hips back and forth to the beat, what sucked though was that we learned from the projector, we didn’t have a live Zumba instructor, but either way I always stayed right in the front, moving and grooving.

I actually got along well with Mr. Villa, the gym teacher; he was insanely nice as well. He always asked how my day was and I would always beg me to help ‘whip the kids into shape.’ I would always laugh and pat him on his arm, Mr. Villa was about 6’1 so it was hard to actually even do that.

So I got dressed quickly and started heading into the gym, I was the first one in; since I had skipped class I made it to the gym kind of early.

When I came into the gym room Mr. Villa smiled at me “Hey there Kordei.” He said with a smile.

“Heyyyyyyy, Villa.” I said back

He stuck his hand out for a high five, so I jumped up and gave him one. He laughed over dramatically “Nice to see you today, ready to dance?”

“I’m always ready to dance,” I say back

“But before that we’re doing an abs workout, I hope you can handle it.”

I laughed and rolled my eyes and pulled up my large Beyoncé T-shirt showing off my now 8-pack “I’m pretty sure I can handle it Villa.” 

“Wow, are you a gymnast?” He asks me

I shake my head “Nah, dancer back in Texas I had a really nice dance team.”

Villa nods “Sweet,”

Our conversation ends there as the other students come out into the gym, and I go ahead and take my seat on the floor as he checks all the girls in.

Once he’s finished he yells out to us “Two laps!” and we all get up and start jogging around the gym, it’s only two laps to get our energy up and going, some of the girls groan and some don’t even jog it, I jog the entire time and end up in the front of the class everyone following me.

Once we’re done jogging, Mr. Villa leads us out of the gym and into the wrestling room, which is where we do our dances, mainly because the floor is patted and the walls are sound proof so that we can have the music up as loud as we want and no one can really hear it.

Once we head upstairs we start stretching, easily I can touch my toes, and do a backwards walk over, so I was limber.

“Kordei! Start the stretches with the class, I will be right back, I forgot my keys” He says and starts heading back to the door, but before he does he stops and smiles at me “Kordei is in charge!”

I just stare in his direction, then shrug and start walking up to the front to direct the class.

“Hey everybody,” I say projecting my voice to be sure everyone can hear me “I guess I’m in charge for the time being, so let’s get started, let’s just start with the basics and then we can go into the abs workout, so OK everyone bend down and touch your toes.”

I bend down along with the rest of the class and I can hear little gasps of pain coming from the class and some groans come out and I laugh a little.

“Come on guys, this is the easy part,” I say “Count with me guys,”

As a class we all count to ten, then we all release, standing up straight and I push my body backwards stretching my upper body back, waiting to hear the pop in back before going back again.

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