Chapter 25

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Still no beta, please forgive my typing mistakes. 


A f t e r the rush of sex (almost sex? Maybe sex?) and finally prying Lauren of Kordei and I we finally were reading to go to the beach, and of course both of the girls looked amazing. Kordei being as bold as ever deiced to screw a top was wore a purple bikini top and short shorts small enough that during certain movements you could see the bottom of her booty cheeks, but instead of it being something nasty, Kordei’s body was so fit it was the most attractive thing I had seen on her.

Lauren had decided to roll her hipster style with high waisted shorts and rings and necklaces and a plain black crop top. She even put on one of Kordei’s mom’s summer hats to shield her sensitive skin from the sun, she looked beautiful.

Since her encounter with Kordei, her cheeks stayed rosy and her smile seemed brighter and her green eyes shined brighter than I had ever seen. If (almost) sex can make her this happy then we should have sex all of the time.

I had never had any type of sexual advantages, ever. Most of my relationships were failed relationships and I didn’t want to do something so permanent with someone like give them my virginity. It wasn’t that I didn’t feel anything or didn’t want too, it was just something I felt very serious about and I wasn’t sure I was ready for it. I didn’t want to do something then regret it if things didn’t work out with the other brunettes. But I had decided not to worry about it, they were OK with me not participating and weren’t expecting it from me so I let it slip my mind as we rolled up in the jeep  heading towards the beach.

Once we made it the first thing I saw was dark tattoos on one and light blonde hair on the other.

“Niall!” I yell, kicking off my flip flops and running towards the blonde boy.

“Mila!” he yells back throwing his arms forward for me, I fall into them instantly.

“How are you bunny?” Niall asks me, since we had met at Zayn’s party we had been texting whenever I was on my phone, but it was more like sending each other pictures of our funny faces and videos of that sort, Niall made me laugh at least 20 times per conversation. He was light and bubbly when everyone else was serious and his jokes were so silly it was refreshing.

“I’m good! How are you?” I ask him as we pull back he smiles widely at me and runs fingers through his hair.

“I’m really good, how has your day been going?” He asks me, and I can feel the smile covering my face and blush spreading from my neck up and Niall catches on quickly his grin meeting mine.

“Must have been a good day,” he smirks “Can I ask for details,”

I throw my head back and laugh “No sir you cannot.” I turn away from his fresh face and look around to see everyone mingling along the sand. Zayn and Kordei were talking quietly with his arm on her shoulder; a small smile was on his face as Kordei spoke excitedly about something. Lauren was talking with Liam and Dinah Jane laughing about something. 

“Well can’t blame a guy for trying,” Niall laughs it off then grabs my wrist “come on we got popsicles over here,” he pulls me over to umbrellas and towels and a of course the cooler which he opens up and lets me pull one out and one for him before we sit down on the sand.

We talk about little things like the weather and why we have never spoken in school and promised each other to sit together at lunch when we get back to school on Monday, looking out into the water before Lauren comes over to me.

“Hey baby,” I say softly as she sits down next to me, she gives me a strained look and instantly I turn to her giving her all of my attention “What’s wrong?” 

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