Chapter 30

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Wow. We've made it 30 chapters guys!


A doctor comes up to me, stopping me from my pacing.

"Mrs. Malik? You can see him now."

I smile gratefully at the man. When I came to the hospital I was demanding to see him and when the woman asked me if I was family I claimed I was Zayn's wife. Surprisingly she went with it.

"Thank you so much," I say as he leads me to Zayn's room. "So what's his condition?"

"Well he's been slightly sedated to help with the pain and the swelling looks to be going down so it looks like no surgery will be needed. But for his safety it would probably be best if he placed a restraining order on his attacker. Do you know who he is Mrs. Malik?"

I nod "Yes I do, Zayn and I will put it under consideration."

"Very good." He says stopping at the door "I think I'm going to keep him for at least 24 hours to make sure everything is healing well, his lip has been cut open and he has very bad cuts on his tongue as well. Earlier he began to choke on his own blood."

I cringed and look away, processing everything before I spoke again. "but you saved him and my husband is just in there in bed?"

"Yes ma'am. Once we get inside he may be sleeping, but I'll give you some time alone. We don't have your information on record did you just get married?"

I nod but my head is still reeling I don't want to answer anymore questions. I want to see Zayn.

We stop at a door with the number 316 in front and the doctor smiles at me. "He's right in here, I'll give you some time but later I'll come in so you can fill in some paper work."

I nod and open the door as he walks away.

I take a deep breath and step inside of Zayn's room.

His eyes are closed as he lays in the bed. A type of IV sticking out of his arm and a band on his arm. His swelling on his face must have went down but it was still large on one side.

I walked over quietly grabbing a chair by the bathroom door and moving it close to the bed. Looking at him makes my stomach turn and I can feel hot tears rushing around, ready to fall over.

I slowly move to take Zayn's hand holding it my own as he sleeps.

"I'm so sorry, Zayn. I wish this never happened to you."

When I say his names he moves a little but his eyes don't open.

"I got here as soon as I could. I know you said 'don't come' but how could I not Zayn? You know that I was coming didn't you?"

He still doesn't respond, sleeping soundly.

"I um, told them I was your wife. So I could see you. I can't help wondering where your family is. Your sisters? Don't you have four of them? When are they coming?"

More silence.

"Maybe I should just let you sleep, I don't know, I just wanted to hear your voice." I squeeze his hand once more "but as soon as I leave here I'll be signing papers that have to do with our non existent marriage and I don't want to make desicions like that without you." I let a chuckle slip from my mouth before my tears fall. "So I'll just stay here and watch you sleep, don't worry I'll shut up and not be creepy. Promise."

The silence reigns on as I lean back against my chair and close my eyes.

"Don't stop, it was getting good."

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