Chapter 23

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K o r d e i ended up falling asleep before we made it halfway to her house; she was snoring softly in the backseat. I smiled at her sleeping form but I knew she would have a killer hangover tomorrow. I sigh and look over at Camila.

“Do you think she means it?” I ask her and take her free hand and intertwine it with mine.

“Means what?” She asks me, eyes on the road.

“That she loves us,” I say looking down at our hands intertwined and then looking at Kordei sleeping in the back as we made it closer to her

“Yeah, I do,” Camila says with no hesitation.

“Do you think…” I take a breath “do you think you can love us both?”

I watch Camila’s face fall apart a little and she turns and looks at me “Why would you ask that?”

“Because you didn’t love me with it was just me, you didn’t love me. I don’t want to do this if it amounts to nothing.” 

I knew it was the alcohol making me feel so much doubt, but in the end I was still worried about it all, I was worried about everything. I wanted to keep them both and now I actually have them I didn’t want to do anything to lose them, but what if being myself wasn’t enough?

Camila sighs and turns to look at me for only a second before her eyes went back to the road. “You have nothing to worry about; this is a brand new relationship. This is something different and something fresh, our past does not affect this relationship because this one will be different, hell, it already is Kordei is making it bloody different.” She says, her voice is soft but tired. “I don’t want you worrying about things like this; let’s just go back to Kordei’s place and sleep, OK? Stop worrying,”

I nod and Camila squeezes my hand then brings it up to her lips and places a kiss on my skin, and with that kiss came the promise that everything would work out, it gave me a sense of hope. 


I carried Kordei up to her room and placed her softly on the bed, Kordei still snored softly and when Camila sat down beside her on the bed she instantly wrapped her body around Camila’s, holding her close. Camila’s giggles fill the room.

I try to sober myself up drinking water by the bottle as time went on, when I sat down on the bed Kordei moved over just a little so one of her legs laid in-between my own, even in her sleep it was like she knew we were both here in the room with her and she wanted to show equal appreciation.

Equal love

Kordei said she loved us, she was also very drunk and it wasn’t that I didn’t believe her but what I couldn’t believe was that she said it so quickly. There had been so many times with Kordei where she pushed us both away and wanted nothing to do with us, and now she was saying that she loved us, loved us both. She wanted to be with us, but she had also said she wasn’t ready to make that step and be with something, let alone two girls. It’s all so back and forth.

But when I looked down at her sleeping form and her hair fluttered all around her and felt her leg in-between mine and looking at her arm curled around Camila, the sight made me feel warm and happy inside and all the troubles in my thoughts faded away, and everything was joyful and pleasant.

So I let my mind shut down and get lost in the sight of them I found myself flooded with soft intoxication as I moved closer to them and wrapped my arm around Kordei and then let it fall onto of Camz and let the feeling take over me and drag me to sleep.



I w o k e up feeling breath against my hair and the sun in my eyes, I squeezed my eyes tighter hoping to fall back asleep, I can feel arms wrapped around my waist as I turned, once I was turned I was laying on some

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