Chapter 46

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{K o r d e i}

"You have one hour Zayn," I tell him, inviting him in and he let's out a breath before following me inside "Dad! We have company!" I tell out, my mother is away on business and instead of them going together my father decided to stay with me, which I was grateful for. So as my father comes out he smiles at me before putting a hand on my shoulder, looking Zayn over. My father never met Zayn but he knew about him, which also meant he knew about our fallout.

"Who's this?" he questions

"Zayn, he has one hour." I say and my father nods before standing to his full height and walking closer to Zayn intimidating him easily, Zayn cowers shrinking in on himself and I almost smirk but Zayn was always on my soft side and I can't as much as I want too.

"Better get to it then," my father says and walks out of the room again.

Zayn watches him go with a look mixed with fear and admiration before turning to me, he doesn't smile but his jaw isn't clenched like before. "Hey Normani,"

"Why did you mess with Michael, that's all I want to know at this point."

"It wasn't me, it was Perrie."

"Like I said on the phone, bullshit."

"It's just, I thought she loved me but in reality-"

"I have to stop you, Zayn, I have no idea who Perrie is or what she has to do with any of this, so please, who the fuck is this girl?"

Zayn sighs and runs a hand over his face "Perrie Edwards is my ex girlfriend, a girl I broke up with right before you and I came into play, right before you and I became friends." Zayn pauses and begins to pace around the room "It wasn't working out and I started spending time with you and my boys and just-"

"This has nothing to do with me, you're wasting your hour."

"Perrie wanted me back and I took her back, and she was telling me things about my friends about you and I was stupid enough to believe them all, you were kept making new friends and you were replacing me and I missed you."

"So instead of talking to me you decide to take someone else's word?" I lean against the arm of my sofa and cross my arms "Shit to the Bull I don't have time for. And it still doesn't prove why you fucked with Michael,"

"Michael and Perrie has history, you can talk to him about it."

"I'm tired of fucking secrets Zayn, either tell me everything or get out of my life." this wasn't even just about Zayn anymore, I'm just tired, I'm tired of the secrets and the lies and stupid boys who think there men messing with my head. I'm not the same girl I was before, I'm stronger than this, I deserve better than this.

"I let a girl influence my choices and my perception of you and it bit me in the ass, i miss you and I'm sorry. I fucked with your friends and talked about you behind my back and I fucked with your girlfriend in the past I'm a bad person and I want you back in my life desperately. can you find a way to forgive and forget?"

I sigh, "No Zayn, I can't. You have royally fucked up, you're acting like a fucking tosser and I don't want you in my life anymore, maybe one day we can actually be friends again but right now I need you to stay in your lane."

My phone rings, stopping my from ranting and I smile at the name.

"You're hour is up."


{L a u r e n}

"Camz? I thought-"

"Shhh, I just got my phone back!" Camila says happily "Missed hearing your voice, speak to me."

"Baby I've missed you too, missed talking to you before bed. god Camz this is so good, I'm so glad you got your phone back,"

"Me too, we should call Kordei, let her know the good news, oh by the way guess how I got my phone back?"

"How'd you get back?"

"Lovely Derrick Hamilton called my mom and told him why I couldn't make it, which includes Kordei's mental health... and I guess he hit my moms soft spot... but now we have to go to dinner together. the four of us."

"Woah, plot twist," I answer as I sit down in the kitchen next to my brother and sister eating pizza rolls. Before Camila called we had been planning my next set list. My sister rolled her eyes.

"I can smell the love on her," Taylor says and Chris agrees nodding his head. I pull the phone away from my ear and pulling my hair back behind my head.

"Feel free to leave and give me all the pizza rolls."

They both scoffed and stayed put.

Rolling my eyes again, I get up for some space and privacy but not before taking some pizza rolls with me as I listen to 1/2 of my girlfriends speak.

"... Right? I know Kordei won't say anything about... us, the three of us, but I want too." she says "I really freaking want too,"

"You want to tell your mom? You do remember who your mom is, correct?" I question with wide eyes "I think your insanity is showing,"

Camila laughs "shut you're mouth, I just- I feel like I'm hiding you guys, I don't know what's coming over me, but I don't want to hide you or Kordei anymore, I love you guys."

"And we love you too, but you don't want to mess things up with your mom more than your relationship already is." I tell her lying on my bed and rubbing my temple, I was worried, we all knew what this meant for Camz. World War 3.

"I know..." she sighs "I don't know, I think I'm ready."

"Just make sure you think it through Camz,"

"I will, I promise I will."


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