Chapter 43

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Everyone should thank x5HNay for this update because I wouldn't have updated until someone yelled at me about it. Oops? Xx


The thought of having to go home made my stomach sick, I didn't want to have to deal with the fact my mother was going to hate me for however long this punishment was going to be and the fact that she wouldn't let me call my dad either, because, apparently calling my dad was fun And I can't have fun on my punishments. When in all reality I want to call him and tell him hey by the way I'm alive just grounded, I'm not sure if my mom will let me come see you this weekend because she is a evil human being who likes to see me suffer. and it wasn't that I didn't love my mom because I did a lot but sometimes I wondered if she didn't love me. Her punishments for me were always tougher than Ariana's I was the one who cooked and cleaned for everyone in the house and didn't get any recognition for any of my work, because it was never enough. and I use to strive to please her but now, I've lost the ability to care. I just wanted to get through this punishment cut free.

So when it was lunch time the girls and I picked out some more library books to read we all decided to read the same ways so we could have something to talk about tomorrow.

"Is this a book club?" I giggled as I picked out The Midnighters Trilogy and then handing Lauren and Normani the same novels and Lauren looked down at them wide eyed.

"You really expect me to read all three of these, tonight?" Lauren questioned me and I laughed at her softly.

"No," I tell her "depending on how long I'm on trial with my mom this should last... about... a week? a week and a half maybe?"

Kordei nods easily showing it was no big deal but Lauren scoffed, she was never a big reader but the books were small enough and it wasn't going to kill her so I just leaned in a kissed her cheek.

"Don't worry," I say smoothly "you don't have to if you don't want too, but remember when all Kordei and I would talk about was The Fault in our Stars? Do you really want to have to go through that again?" and Lauren looks like I just kicked her puppy but she shakes her head and says a muffled come on so we could check out the books and Kordei can't even stop her laughter.

Once we sit back down in our little spot Lauren goes on to tell us about her show tonight.

"It's been so long this I was on stage it's like, I've missed it you know? It sucks you won't be coming to my show," she says looking at me and I nod my head and take her hand squeezing it a little.

"I'll be there in spirt and Kordei will be too, she can record it on her phone so I can see it tomorrow," I say leaning closer to Lauren and placing a kiss on her cheek "so it'll be like I'm there but I'm sitting in the back and you can't see me,"

Lauren laughs softly and slowly leans in and her lips brush mine softly and the warm sensation comes back all over again making me hum with happiness.

"I love you Camila," she says against my lips

"I love you more," I say back as she pulls away.


Kordei gets a phone call after that, standing up and walking towards a book shelf.

"What's up Mikey?" pause "he did WHAT," another pause "what the actual fuck," pauses again "yeah I'll be there in five, the fucking tosser." when she comes back her whole body is ridged and annoyed.

"I have to go guys, shits hitting the fan. I'll talk to y'all later," she says before coming over and giving us kisses on the cheek before turning away toward the door.

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