Chapter 49

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A/N: Sorry not sorry?

Ten Years Later

Dear Lauren and Normani Cabello

God this hurts so much. You both are so far away from me. I can’t hear you breathing in bed with me when it’s time to go to sleep. I can’t hear you getting Crystal ready for school; I can’t hear Normani cradling Jared and Scott, trying to get them back to sleep. I don’t hear you guys calling my name begging me to get up out of bed and help with the kids even though I hate doing so, but I do anyway. Now it’s so silent and I’m realizing I don’t know how to be alone. I’ve been with you two for the past ten years and now… you’re just gone.

I wish I could go back and turn the clock; I wish I knew what I had. I wish I knew I was satisfied. I just can’t believe I was such an idiot.

Normani, I still think about your youthful smile all the time, the way your eyes go all squishy. That stupid annoying laugh and the way you throw your head back and even the way that you are a grown ass woman and you still have stripes of blue in your hair. Our bed is losing your scent.

I love the way you take care of the twins and the fact that they look just like you. I love the fact you can hold them both and keep your balance. I love the way you sing to them and I love the way you look at them. That looks of adoration, like they could do no wrong. And they won’t do any wrong they will never disappoint you; they wouldn’t want to see their mommy cry.

Lauren, I still remember the way you would look so young and how your eyes light up when we play with Crystal and how excited you were to see she had your eyes, even though she’s four now I still remember the way you hold your tummy and tell her little secrets about yourself. I know you still do that but only now you tell her when she gets in trouble in school because she has Normani’s attitude.

Our bed shouldn’t feel this way, so empty. I still sleep right in the middle, when I actually do sleep in the bed. But I don’t think I can until you both come back. I need you guys to come back OK? I know you’re mad. But even if it is just to say goodbye. Please… give me that. I know I don’t have the right to actually ask you guys this… but please.

My deepest fear is of losing you girls. You two are the only ones I will ever need. I took something serious to figure that out but I know that now and I guess I will be living alone for the rest of my life if you don’t come back. This sad and lonely existents will be the only one for me, but maybe you will deiced to let me see the kids every other weekend like how I did with my dad.

Will you let me Scott, Jared and Crystal?


I’m so sorry, I know what that was and I know what it looked like and I know what it was you both saw.

I can’t believe I did that.

I can’t believe I was so blinded by – I don’t even know what it was.

Love? Lust? A simple crush?

I’m such an idiot.

He means nothing to me, I’ll do anything to get you girls back.

Please… just come back.



Dear Lauren and Normani Cabello

You guys came home with the kids today, you didn’t even look at me and I guess I should have expected that. The kids were happy to see me, but I still heard you Mani, how you said they’re going to be missing me a whole lot more. And god I want to cry, you guys are really going to leave me aren’t you?

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