Chapter 11

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W h e n  Camzi’s mom was outside she gave me a big hug wrapping her arms around my neck and holding me close “Thanks for having a sleepover with us, I had so much fun we should do it again soon!”

I nodded against her neck and pulled her away from me “If you stay out of trouble.”

“Hmmm. No promises, but I’ll try!” She says before giving Lauren a kiss and a goodbye and running out of the door.

Once she was gone I turned to Lauren “I see why you like her so much.”

Lauren sighs, running a hand through her long dark hair. “I don’t just like her, I love her.”

I nod “But why do you say that like it’s a bad thing?”

“Because she won’t say it back…” Lauren says and walks toward me.

“That’s OK, you are her first girlfriend, give her time.”

“We’ve been dating for three months.”

“Everyone is different, respect her for that, she doesn’t give out love to just anyone. She is making sure you aren’t just someone who is going to hurt her”

Lauren nodded but I don’t think she really understood what I was saying, if Camila had walls up, she had them for a reason. Her mom says her loves her all the time but her mom brings her pain and unhappiness than love, she doesn’t want Lauren to do that to her as well, and that’s OK.

“So what should we do today, Lauren?” I ask her standing up and heading towards the stairs, I turned around to make sure she was following me, when I realized she wasn’t I stopped and turned back to her. “Lauren, you need to get out of your head.” I told her and grabbed her hand “Come on, Laur.”

She actually lets me take her hand and begins to walk with me “Sorry,” she says.

I raise an eyebrow “I think that’s the first time you said sorry to me.”

“No…” Lauren says with a laugh “I’m pretty sure I said it before,”

“No, Laur you really haven’t.” I say again and Lauren laughs fills my ears until we reach my room “So do you wanna shower? Then we can go out and do something after mine?” 

“Yeah sure,” Lauren says going over to the dresser and grabbing her bag “But before I even step foot in your shower I need you to tell me how to work it, no one likes cold showers Kordei,”

I roll my eyes and snort, but walk over to my bathroom with Lauren opening up the doors and walking into my large four person shower, the gold tile sparkling through the see through doors.  “OK so I have four shower heads; one above you, one behind on, and one on each side.” I said pointing to each one “all of the switches are over here left is cold, right is warm, if you turn it all the way to the right it gets very hot and I wouldn’t suggest it,”

Lauren raises an eyebrow “Think I can’t handle it?”

I laugh and roll my eyes “I know you can, but I still wouldn’t suggest it.”

Lauren looks over and smiles at me, squinting her eyes and letting her cheeks turn pink “Thank you, but I think I’m going to need to use your shower forever,” she says “Now out you go, and no peaking.”

I laughed and headed out “I’ll be on the bed, and wouldn’t dream of peaking at you,”


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