Chapter 07

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I w a s  sitting in an abandoned classroom with the lights off with Camila, we had pushed the tables together so we could lay down on top of them, it wasn’t the most comfortable thing, but that was not what mattered, what mattered was that I was finally spending time with my girlfriend.

Since Camila had been grounded for the past month I felt like I never really saw her expect when we were in school, since Camila was playing Gabriella in the High School Musical play I thought it would be awesome to stay after school with her until the practice started, but all Camila would want to do was run lines until it was time for her to get on stage. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy spending that time with her, but it wasn’t fun doing that with her.

Camila had been asking me on and off for the since she found out about the auditions why didn’t I try out as well so I could sing on stage and I had just rolled my eyes, I didn’t want to be an actress, I wanted to sing songs, sing mature songs not some petty ‘Were All In This Together,”

Camila understood that, but that doesn’t mean that she would stop badgering me about it.

So today we sat together staring up at the ceiling, it wasn’t much to look at but it was always something that we did, not matter where we were.

“I feel like I can finally breathe again,” Camila says “You really don’t understand how much I cannot do punishment.”

I chuckle a little “No, trust me baby, I know you can’t, but now you get to watch Teen Wolf whenever you want.”

“I knowwwww!” Camila says, she is always easily excitable when it comes to her favorite show “But gosh, how I want to go back to season two, season two was the bomb dot com.”

I laugh loudly and turn to look at Camila “Camz where the hell did you get that from?”


I laugh again “The bomb dot com”

“Ohhhhh!” She says “Kordei said it when we were on the phone.”

“But you just got your phone back, when did you call her?”

“While I was still on punishment I had taken the home phone upstairs when everyone was asleep.”

“Wow, dare devil.” I say, but my tone is flat and I feel the urged to roll my eyes. Camila hates getting in trouble, so when she is willing to risk getting in to trouble for having one conversation with someone that wasn’t her dad it was usually me. Camila and I talk about everything together even though we have different taste in things; Camila likes to read and likes doing school plays and I on the other hand like to play music and go to parties. We got along when it came to movies and certain kinds of music but our differences was one of the reasons that made our relationship work.

No one knew about us and it was our secret, I always felt like I got a piece of Camila that no one else got.

And instead of calling me while she was still grounded she called somebody else. Someone else I had now declared myself friends with, it made me feel a little sick to my stomach.

“What did you guys talk about?” I asked her, trying to keep my tone light.

Camila sighed a little dramatically, “The Fault in Our Stars, she had been right too, the ending was total crap.

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