Chapter 03

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Before you read! This chapter is a personal true story with a Fifth Harmony twist and this was orginaly a oneshot but it fit insanely well with this story so I just added a few touches to make it all work and I hope you enjoy this chapter, I worked really hard on it :) Okay, go ahead and read. :)


A few hours later, I was drowning in my own misery; I couldn’t even run away if I wanted too.

There was so much crap going on in her life for that.

I was going to be in the High School Musical play at school and I had actually gotten the role as Gabriella like I wanted and had learned all of my lines before we even set a foot on stage.

Then there was my sister Sofia who I can’t leave behind and can’t take with me.

But the things here at home were a nightmare and I want out.

On my last report card I had failed two classes, and my mom, Sinu, had taken one look at the grades and said “I can’t do this anymore, I need to take your things, turn off that TV and don’t listen to your music.” And I had taken that, accepted my fate in a way, I guess, she knew that if she could bring her grades up  I knew I could get my stuff back if I really tried.

So as the new semester began, I worked my butt off. I asked my teachers questions, kept up in class, never letting myself fall behind and turned in all of my assignments. At home I did all my chores without any complaints and tried to stay on my mom’s good side.

It had been about time the day before Teen Wolf came on that I would realize all of my favorite shows that came on during the week, and after that I started getting antsy. I watch Teen Wolf with my older sister, Ariana, and I would hate to have to listen to her talk about how amazing an episode was when she knew that I had to miss it.

I also really missed music, being able to have my headphones in and being able to jam out and use all of her pent up energy until she felt tired enough to go to sleep.

I also missed my friend Harry, that I started talking to on Tumblr, without my cell phone to text him or her laptop to send him a message there was no way she could talk to her best friend from London.

But as time passed I kept my crap together and waited until my grades were good enough to show my mom so she could finally give me my stuff back.

But more time passed, day after day, and I was starting to fidget more, all the things I was craving, I couldn’t have, but sometimes when both my sister and my mom were out I would grab the home phone and call Lauren sometimes she could take my mind off how badly my life sucked.

And right now I was sitting with my mom on the sofa while she talked about her day at work; she looked at me and asked “Do you miss your phone?”

I looked up at her and nodded, trying not to get my hopes up but it was too late, they we’re already soaring.

“Let Ariana see your grades, then she can let me know if they are good enough.”

I smiled at my mom and kissed her cheek, then starting darting to the back of the house to grab the family laptop, pulling it up and starting it so I could pull up my grades. When I had them pulled up I yelled out “Ariana! Come here!”  My once failing grades in history was a C now, and my grade in math was a B-

“Ariana!” I called again.

Finally Ariana makes her way over, pushing her long light brown extensions behind her. Ariana rolls her eyes and she watches me dance in my seat.

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