Chapter 47

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hello everybody! 


So I'm back and stronger than ever, and I am insanely proud of this chapter, so I hope you all enjoy it. Everything is coming to an end and I actually mean it this time. I hope that's okay with all of you, wirting this was my lullby tonight, and I'm so happy. even if it's not night time for you... Good night everybody :)

{ C a m i l a }

"Don't you think you should wear something nicer? This is a fancy restaurant, Karla, please."

"Mom, it's the Olive Garden, I don't know why you're trying to impress Kordei and her dad. They already love me," I tell her jokingly, even though my mother’s comment was rude I tried to ignore it, it was finally time for the dinner with the Hamilton's, and I still felt the humongous urge to tell mom about my relationship, with both girls. I knew how it would turn out. But I was so sick of keeping secrets.

So I put on my favorite pair of jeans and a crop top, even against my mother’s word I was trying to look my best.

My sisters both had gone out for dinner and wouldn't be coming with us, thank god, I knew Kordei was a hothead and wasn't the biggest fan of my sister, if Ariana said one thing to piss her off, it would be all over.

So I waited for mom to get finished getting ready and then we were off.

We rode the car in silence like always as I fiddled with my fingers trying to keep my heart from racing.

I was insanely excited, I wanted to see if my mom would realize how close Kordei and I were and if she would come to her own conclusions about us, ask about it. Or if she wouldn’t notice it all, I had spoken with Kordei earlier about it and I asked her not to act any differently than she would act if it was just us alone, she had joked about ‘so I can just kiss you when you start rambling’ but she knew what I meant. I had also called Lauren to see if she wanted to come as well but she also reminded me how her mom didn’t know she would be coming and that would be major awkward “I hate to say it, but your mom is kind of a tosser,’ Lauren had said and I only laughed and agreed. We were halfway to the resturaunt when I got a text from my girlfriend.

Kordei: I need you

My heart sank, kordei wasn’t a needy girl, if she was saying she needed me, she meant it. What could be wrong?

Camzi: Baby, what is it?

Camzi: Are you already at the restaurant?

Kordei: Uh huh, just when you get here come to my dad’s car, call me, I will guide you to me.

Camzi: Alright, I love you.

Kordei: I love you more.

I put my phone back in my pocket and turned to my mother “Are we almost there?” And she nods not taking her eyes off the road. Another kind of worry took over me, ever since Kordei told us about her past back in Texas she had been having flashbacks and nightmares, usually Lauren and I could help her through it and her father could as well, but if she wanted me enough to actually say she needed me fear took over my entire body.

Once we got to the parking lot I told my mother how they wanted to meet us at their car so we could all walk in together and my mom smiled and said how thoughtful that was and I couldn’t help smiling back at her happy face. I called Kordei and like she said earlier she guided me to her, as we got closer she began walking towards my mother and I, my mother and I both picked up our pace as well to meet her in a nice fashion. As soon as Kordei was close enough she arms pulled me to her and she held me close, her head in my neck taking a deep breath, I could tell she was trying to keep herself calm and I was more than happy to hold her, rubbing her back.

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