Chapter 26

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Thank you if you left comments, if I didn't use your idea i will in the next chapter, this is a really short chapter but i hope you enjoy it anyway. 


After our day at the beach, I wasnât really in the mood to finish our weekend together, Lauren was hiding something from me and I could feel it like it was picking at my skin; it made me feel sick inside. I ended up telling the girls that I got a call from my parents saying they would be coming home early and that they should probably go on home, Lauren agreed easily but Camila kept looking back and forth between Lauren and I; like she knew something was up.  

After I said my goodbyes to Zayn and the rest of the crew and drove my girls back my place so they could pick up their things before taking them back to their houses, we said our sweet goodbyes before heading out of my car. I drove down too a little coffee shop and pulled out my phone.

âHey daddy,â I say when he answers

âHey baby girl, how are you?â

âFine,â I answer but my voice is already chocking up âI just miss you,â

I have always been a daddyâs girl and no matter how big of an asshole I can act it all break away slowly when I talk to him. He is the one that knows everything about me and never makes me feel like I canât do something, sometimes we can get frustrated and mad at each other but it never lasts for long before we were back to being best friends. I look up to my dad more than anyone.

Even though he didnât know I had girlfriends now, I felt like just hearing his voice would relax me and calm me down. My father has a way of making me feel like everything is going to be OK just by telling me how his day went; he just had this energy about himself that I always wanted to be around.

âI miss you too honey, howâs it going? Are you having fun?â

I nod âYeah, I went to the beach with some friends, but I think some of them are lying to me about something.â

My dad is silent for a minute before asking for more information

âItâs just, donât you know when you can feel someone hiding something from you? And itâs just like eating at my insides I want to know whatâs going on,â I tell him and then begin to explain everything out before leaving out the part that not only am I dating one girl, but two.

âIt does sound like something is going on but, I donât think you need to worry too much. If it was super important and both of these people are important to you, so if you need to know it will come out.â 

I sigh, it wasnât what I wanted to hear but it was something I could accept, mainly because I had too.

âAlright, so thanks for telling me.â I say but my voice was dry because it wasnât what I wanted to hear.

â Iâm sorry sweetie but you really should be worrying, I have to go now, I love you,â my father says and I nod again.

âAlright, love you too, bye.â We hang up and I still sit, drinking a cup of coffee even though it was late in the evening and I would be up all night and then in the morning be exhausted and shut down but I didnât care.

I pulled open my phone again and called another number

âWhere are you? Can I come meet you?â


He was on the darker side of town at an abandoned old building a mask covering his face from the fumes and I could see why, the smell of the spray bottles and paint were strong, but I ignored it and continued to walk closer a smile on my face.

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