Chapter 33

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"Lauren! Hey!" I said getting her attention, I had just gotten into school and was just going to go to class until I saw Lauren hanging out with her friends.

Lauren turned and looked at me confusion in her eyes. If you had asked me earlier this year I would have told you I had no idea who Lauren Jauregui was even though she was my girlfriend. Back then I cared so much about what her friends thought of me, but now after all we had been through I stopped caring.

"What's up, Camz?" She asks coming closer to me

"I just want to talk to you," I say softly a blush coming across my cheeks.

"I thought we didn't talk when you were around my friends," she whispers against my ear. Lauren was honestly worried about me, she knew that I didn't want people to know about us, but mostly her friends. Her friends were sarcastic and mean and I tried to stay away from them as much as I could. But now, I really don't care. We had been through so much I didn't want to hide what we are anymore.

"I don't care Lauren, I don't care anymore. I could scream it from the rooftops at this point. I love you, I love Kordei and I'm not afraid of that anymore."

Lauren smile brightens up her whole face and her hand comes up on my neck, rubbing small circles on my exposed skin.

"So you will not be upset if I kiss you right now?" Lauren asks me, her voice husky and low

"Nope, not at all." I say back stepping closer to her.

Lauren leans in and her breath dances around my face as she comes in closer. I let out a breath, staring into her beautiful emerald eyes.

Her lips press to mine and my knees go weak. I place my hands on her arms to keep her close and she presses her tongue through my mouth, I let her in and she takes over, leaving no place unexplored.

"How dare you two leave me out of the kisses?" A chuckling voice cuts through the haze of Lauren's lips and she pulls away.

"You can easily join in if you wish," I say smiling at Kordei, who watches us with admiring eyes. A small smirk on her lips. Kordei walks up to us and wraps one arm around me and another on Lauren.

"You do realize all of your friends are talking shit, right Lauren?" She says softly looking at both of us. The same reaction Lauren had earlier.

She nods "I'll deal with that shit later, but Kordei, we need to talk." She says looking into Kordei's eyes. And I'm glad that they are finally willing to have these conversations. I want things to be good between the three of again. The reason we choose this relationship was because we all decided that we were better together than apart.

"Camz do you mind if you're not there when we talk? You know everything, it's just there are some things I need to clear up with her."

I shake my head "of course go ahead and take your time." I had just had a date with Kordei on my own last night so I didn't mind and this was way more serious than having a secret make out session in my closet.

"Thanks baby, I really appreciate it." Lauren says and presses her lips to my forehead, I smile at the contact.

Kordei leans in and presses her lips to Lauren's, it was soft and I could see Lauren's lips pulling up into a smile against Kordei. I knew what this kiss meant.

Kordei was telling Lauren without any words that she wasn't mad, she wasn't hurting as badly as she was before. Everything that happened with Zayn could have been avoided if we had stopped making stupid choices. But we didn't and it caused more bad than good.

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