Chapter 15

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" S o is this our thing now, we meet here?” I ask looking up at the other two girls who were sitting in my little pace in the library, but girls were sitting down in front of me as I stretched; Lauren was sitting in Camzi’s lap and was looking up at me with her green eyes I looked away, I didn’t want to deal with her.

I don’t know what I was expected, for her to come up and tell me she had broken up with her girlfriend –who also happened to be my friend- that they broke up and she wanted to try things with me?

No, but I was hoping that is what would happen anyway.

It wasn’t that I felt rejected I knew how Lauren felt about me and I could tell that didn’t change but she was dating Camzi and I couldn’t do anything about it. I didn’t want to break them up because I knew Camila really liked Lauren and I knew Lauren loved Camila. It was just so twisted. I had put myself in a position that I knew I couldn’t win in. I was really glad that Lauren and I didn’t kiss, everything about that weekend was wrong and it shouldn’t have happened.

My insides felt so sick I felt dirty like I needed to take a hot shower and wash it all off me. I was creating problems that shouldn’t exist in the first place, I was a home wrecker even if the home wasn’t broken yet and Camzi looked so prefect and so content to have her girlfriend in her lap as she kissed on the side of her neck and Lauren smiled and intertwined their fingers, it was like nothing should break them up; nothing should break them up.

I shouldn’t break them up.

Camzi laughed “I guess so; it should be our thing seeing as we all met here.”

I rolled my eyes “This was going to be my spot Camzi to get away from all of the people in school,”

Lauren snorts “and yet you’re always with Dinah Jane and Allyson.”

“Hey!” I defend myself and my choices “They are good people,”

Camzi and Lauren nod “So did you have fun while I was gone?” Camila asked us and Lauren nodded

“Yeah, I did actually we went to the movies and stuff it was brilliant.” Lauren says and leans up against Camila more “I missed you though, I missed you a lot.”

I sighed, closed my eyes and bent back down stretching out my back, I wished I had brought my headphones for my phone so I could block out all the words they said back and forth. A sick form of jealously was beginning to rot in my stomach and I could tell it wasn’t going to fade anytime soon. I knew how doing anything with Lauren would be tough but did she still have to make out with Camzi right in front of me? They had been doing it from the moment I met the couple but I would think they would calm down, especially after the weekend Lauren and I had.

I get up and close my eyes I can feel the dread coming over me and it was coming fast making my stomach turn “I have to go guys, I’ll see you two later” I say grabbing my backpack off the ground and heading out of my little spot.

“Wait, where are you going?” Camzi asks me and I turn around so I can look at her, all doe brown eyes and bright pink cheeks her innocence makes me want to melt and come back and tell her everything that happened this weekend, but it wasn’t my story to tell.

“I’m not feeling to well, Camzi, I need fresh air. I’ll call you later, yeah?”

Camzi nods and gives me a small smile “I hope you feel better,” she says and waves at me, I return the wave and turn back around I had to leave, I had to get out of there.

I was always one for bad choices, I never intended on making them but my actions come before my thoughts and my first actions are always wrong and bring me trouble. I didn’t want trouble, not here. I wasn’t ever OK to moving to this place and now I’m here and my life is invested in two girls, one of the two who claims to give a shit but then flaunts her relationship in my face, if that’s what caring was I didn’t want to be friends with anyone anymore.

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