Chapter Two:

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“Here’s your coffee sir” I handed it to him

“Thanks….Lilo” he smiled at me

I looked up, it was Harry.

“No…no problem” I stumbled over my words.

He laughed, handing me a piece of paper.

“See you later” he winked

I unfolded the little piece of paper.

Meet me here again at 7, i’d love to see you again-xx Harry.

Was this a dream?

At 7:30 I still sat in front of the coffee shop, if he was going to show up, he was really late.

“Stood up again..” i muttered to myself.

I started on my way home, when a car pulled up next to me.

“Lilo?” the driver questioned

“Yeah thats me.”

“Get in dear.” he smiled

“Wait. What?”

The door opened and Harry smiled at me.

“I’m sorry i’m late, still up for coming out with me?”

I couldn’t say no to his beautiful green eyes.

“Course” I smiled, getting into the car.

He whispered something to the driver, then sat next to me.

“What was that?”

“Nothing” he smiled.

He grabbed my hand, intertwining it with his.

His hands were warm and his grip was tight, I didn’t mind.

The car stopped and Harry jumped out.

He extended his hand out to me.

“Come on beautiful, this is our stop.”

I stepped out of the car, to see a beautiful star-filled sky.

“Come sit with me?”


We sat on the edge of the cliff, suddenly fireworks started.

“I thought you’d forgotten about me” I blushed

“Never could. You’ve been on my mind the first time I met you.”

His arm wrapped around my waist, and I rested my head on his shoulder.

“You’re beautiful” he smiled

I leaned forward, kissing his lips.

“You’re perfect” I giggled

He pulled me close, his lips crashing on mine again.

“By the way...I have a Volleyball Game next week, do you want to watch the game?”

“Any reason to see the most beautiful girl in the entire world!” I smiled before pecking my cheek.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now