Chapter Forty-Five:

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I lay in bed with my eyes closed for a little while longer, not wanting to wake up just yet. I could feel that the bed was empty beside me so I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 7:45am. I was surprised Harry was up at that time on his day off. I rolled onto my back and looked up at the ceiling. It was March 6th, my birthday. Exactly two months ago I moved in with Harry. Since then not much had changed, apart from the fact I was even more in love with Harry, more than I thought was even possible and I was nearing the end of my degree. I had three months left and it was flying by.

The only bad news I'd been given was that One Direction was going on another European tour that summer, my first summer not as a student and the last before I have to start working, meaning I couldn't spend it with Harry. However, something good was coming out of it. Bay, Vanessa and I were going to travel across Europe but not with them, we'd be one step behind them following their path but doing our own things. It was something I'd always wanted to do and we'd go to a few concerts when we inevitably crossed paths. Danielle would have come but she was dancing for the band, so would be with them not us.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. I sat up and crossed my legs before calling out to tell them to come in. Harry's tanned face peered around the door before he pushed it open fully and smiled softly at me.

"Morning beautiful." He whispered. He came and sat next to me. He was still in the boxer shorts he'd worn to bed that night. He pulled the quilt around us and linked his fingers with mine. "Happy birthday, 38 now is it?" he smirked.

"Hey!" I gasped. I grabbed the pillow from behind me and hit him in the head with it. He laughed loudly as I ruffled his already mussed up hair.

"I know, I know, you're 19. Young, free and definitely not single." He kissed me on the lips and gave me a cheeky grin before running into the walk in wardrobe we now shared. He appeared seconds later carrying a gift bag. "Happy birthday babe." He kissed me one more time and passed me the bag.

"Thanks." I grinned. The bed shifted as he sat down next to me. I opened the bag and put my hand in without looking, whatever it was crinkled and I felt something lumpy and hard. I looked into the bag and couldn't help but laugh. I pulled out the bag of carrots and looked at Harry. He was in hysterics.

"Your face!" he gasped eventually. I nudged him in the ribs as he started to calm down. "That obviously wasn't your present. They're for lunch tomorrow." He said seriously, taking them off me and putting them on the bed. "This is your real present." He reached under the bed and pulled out a perfectly wrapped box. He handed it over to me and sat directly opposite me. We both had our legs crossed. Our knees were touching and we were face to face.

I looked up from the box and smiled at him. "Thank you."

"It's okay, now open it!" I did as I was told and started to peel away the pristine paper. I was surrounded by a pile of paper and left with the brown box I knew well and loved. Lifting off the lid I gasped as I saw the brand new pair of Christian Louboutin shoes in front of me.

"Omg!" I squealed. "They're perfect! Thank you so much." I softly wrapped my fingers in the hair on the back of his head, pulled his face towards mine and kissed the smile on his face.

"Try them on." He said. His lips were still pressed against mine; I felt them move as he spoke the words.

I jumped off the bed and slipped my feet into the brand new shoes. The red soles were perfect, not a single mark on them. "They're the Bianca style. Did I get the right ones? I saw you looking at a pair a few weeks ago, so thought I'd get them."

"They're perfect." I grinned. "Thank you." They were a shiny purple, they were so gorgeous, I couldn't not like them. Plus, they'd go perfectly with a little black dress. I already had a black pair in this style. "I love you so much. I don't deserve you." I turned around to face him as he'd stood up to get a better look, and threw myself into his arms. I kissed his bare chest and wrapped my arms around him.

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