Chapter Ninety-Two:

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(Harry's POV)

I slowly stroked the tiny fingers of my son as they curled around my much bigger one. His breathing was soft as he slept in my arms whilst I sat in the chair next to Lilo's bed. His little white hat was slipping off a little bit but I didn't want to wake him up by sliding it back on. His soft, pink forehead was creased ever so slightly as he frowned in his sleep. Lilo came back in the room then, she looked so tired. She smiled at me sleepily before climbing back into the bed and turning to look at me.

"You're a natural" she whispered. She reached out and softly trailed a finger over Patrick's sock covered foot. I smiled at her. "When are the boys coming?" She asked quietly. She pulled her hand back and curled up on her side facing me.

"Not yet. I said you needed to rest first."

"I don't" She tried to stifle a yawn but failed. "Okay, maybe I do. Not for long though." She pulled the blanket up around her neck and settled down into the bed.

"Take as long as you need. I don't think I ever want to let him go." I looked up from Patrick's pink face to Lilo. She was already fast asleep, so I stayed where I was with my son in my arms, snuffling slightly as he slept in the world for the first time.

(Lilo's POV)

I woke up and found Harry in the same position he was in when I fell asleep. Patrick was awake now and gurgled quietly as Harry pulled faces to him. I reached over to check the time on my phone. It had only been an hour and a half but I felt so much more awake. I smiled at the image of Harry holding Patrick which was now the wallpaper on my phone. Harry looked so happy, he had a large grin on his face and was gazing down at Patrick, and the look in his eyes was pure amazement.

"You're awake" Harry said, his voice breaking the silence. "They guys are coming soon. I couldn't stop them, they totally ignored me." He sounded apologetic.

"It's fine" I reassured him. "Has he been okay?" I asked, looking at the baby whose face was beginning to go a bit red.

"Yeah. He slept for as long as you did and woke up a few minutes-" The rest of what he said was cut off by the loud wail that left the tiny body of Lucas. The noise was so much bigger than he was. It didn't look right coming out of that small person. "Oh god" Harry grimaced. "What's wrong with him?" He bounced his arms slightly to try and calm Patrick but it didn't seem to work.

"No idea" I admitted. I climbed out of the bed and looked at the writhing body in Harry's arms. I didn't know what to do! I started to panic and immediately grabbed the baby book Harry had packed into the bag. I frantically flipped through the pages until I found the one I needed. "Um.. it says it could be that they're tired, hungry or they need their nappy changed." I looked over at Harry who was beginning to look flustered. The wailing still filled the room.

"He just woke up, it can't be that!" He paced back and for across the small room and bounced his arms slightly. "You take him!" I put the book down on the bed and put my arms out. Harry carefully placed the baby into my arms and picked the book up from where I'd put it. He flicked through and stared at the page I'd just read. "I don't think he needs changing" he muttered, his voice being drowned out by the cries coming from my arms. I bobbed my arms slightly as I paced the room like Harry had, frantically hoping that he'd settle down.

"I don't know what's wro-"

"Hey guys!" Louis burst into the room and stopped dead when he saw me and Harry looking totally frazzled, the baby screaming between us. "Well" he laughed. "It's clear he loves you already." He strolled over to me and looked at the bundle in my arms. Patrick's hat had slipped right to the back of his head so I pulled it off and dropped it onto the bed. Then the rest of the boys crowded into the room. Niall had dozens of helium balloons attached to his wrists, If I wasn't so worried about the sobbing baby in my arms I'd have laughed at how many there were. "Can I hold him?" Louis asked. Everyone was talking. I was beginning to go crazy. Liam and Zayn were laughing at Niall as he struggled to take the balloons of his wrists and Louis was looking at me, waiting.

"Yeah, take him!" I passed him to Louis and watched as Harry showed him how to hold Patrick. The other boys stopped what they were doing and watched as Louis rocked his arms from side to side. Then the crying stopped. I held my breath, waiting for him to start up again but he didn't. I let out a sigh of relief and my body relaxed.

"Well, you're allowed to see him more often." Harry joked, breaking the silence. "Guys, this is Patrick. My son" he beamed. They crept over slightly, suddenly wary.

"Congrats Hazza" Zayn smiled. He stoked a finger along the soft, brown curly hair on Patrick's head. "He looks exactly like you!"

"Thanks" he smiled. "I thought he looked a bit more like ET though if I'm honest."

"Hazza!" I gasped. "He looked nothing like ET, he's gorgeous!"

"I know Lilo" he laughed. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. He rested his chin on the top of my head and watched his best friends crowd around our son.

"Congratulations" Liam grinned. "He's adorable. Can I, um, hold him?" He asked nervously. I felt Harry nod and we watched as Louis passed him on to Liam and, like Harry had, showed him the correct way to hold him. "He's so light" he whispered. He gazed down at Patrick and couldn't look away from the green eyes that looked back up at him.

I moved to sit on the edge of the bed, I suddenly felt tired again. Zayn and Niall had a go holding him before passing him back to Harry. "I've never heard you guys so quiet." Harry said. "It's unusual."

"We're just amazed" Niall admitted. "He's so small. I thought I was going to break him when I held him."

"Nah, he's tough, like his dad" Harry winked. He passed the baby to me and pulled out a camera from his bag. "Okay guys, photo time." He poked his head around the door and called to someone. A midwife came in and looked at all the people in the room.

"What can I do for you?" She asked.

"Can you take a photo for us please?" Harry asked, handing her the camera before she could even answer. She frowned as she turned it on. Harry made me stand in the middle, him on one side of me, his arm around my shoulder and Louis on the other. The boys crowded around and we squished in together.

"Smile" the midwife called before she pressed the button and the flash filled the room. The boys all rummaged in their pockets and pulled out mobile phones. Five hands shot out, each holding a phone of some sort, wanting the midwife to take a photo on each of them. "My goodness" she laughed. "This is one popular baby!" but she happily took all the photos.

"So when are you going to tell the world you've had a baby?" Zayn asked once the midwife had left and we all sat down, completely blinded by the constant flashes from the phones.

"Not yet." Harry said seriously. "It's between us and our families at the moment. We want some time alone before we get chased everywhere." He sat down next to me on the bed and crossed his legs in front of him. Niall was holding Patrick, he was sat in the chair Harry had spent 5 hours sat in by my side whilst I was in labour.

"That's a good idea" Niall nodded. "So what's his middle name?"

"Oh. We hadn't thought of one" I admitted. I regretted saying that. Each of the boys said their names excitedly all at the same time. I looked at Harry and he laughed.

"We'll have to think about it." Harry said softly.

"I like Wolff." Louis said, peering over Liam's shoulder at Patrick who was falling asleep. "Yeah, Patrick Wolff Styles. I like that."

I looked at the Harry and raised an eyebrow. It did sound quite good. He nodded at me and winked. It seemed as though we'd found our sons middle name.

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