Chapter Forty-Seven:

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After graduating from university I'd sent out about 6 or 7 job applications without expecting to hear anything. Little did I know I'd receive something sooner than I thought. Soon as in, a week before I was due to travel across Europe.

I came into the kitchen to be greeted by all of One Direction. "Morning guys" I smiled as I took a carton of orange juice from the fridge and filled up a glass. "Busy day?" I asked before having a sip.

"You bet." It was Niall who answered me. He was about to dig into a large breakfast, the smell of which had woken me up. "We're doing some last minute tour rehearsals, so it'll be a laugh." He added between mouthfuls.

Before I could reply Harry called to me from the other room. "Lilo, you've got a massive brown envelope!" He came into the kitchen waving it around. He had his glasses on, jogging bottoms and a hoodie. He couldn't look any more perfect. He handed it to me and kissed me on the forehead before grabbing a plate and stacking it with food.

I moved to the window and ripped open the edge of the envelope. Inside was thick, official looking paper. Forgetting all the positions I'd applied for I pulled it out, confused as to what it could be. I opened it out and read the page full of text.

My heart sped up as I got to the bottom of the page. "OMG!" I squealed. I was only just aware of the sound of cutlery hitting the table as it dropped from shocked hands.

"What is it?" Harry asked as he came to stand behind me. I spun around to face him.

"My pupillage application got accepted! I have a place!" I laughed with excitement as Harry pulled me into a hug.

"Congratulations Lilo! I knew you could do it." He whispered into my ear. The rest of the guys had abandoned their breakfasts to congratulate me. I was pulled into hugs and slapped on the back.

"So…um…what does it mean, exactly?" Louis asked shyly.

"Basically it's an apprenticeship for a year, then I may be called to an Inn, which will mean I can be a practicing Barrister, but I have to pass the Bar and stuff first, but it's good news." I explained.

"Woah, well done!" He grinned.

"Omg, I have to ring my parents!" I ran out of the room to let them know the good news.

(A few minutes later)

"Well done Lucy, I'm so proud of you." My dad said. It nearly made me cry knowing he was pleased. As I grew up I was obsessed with pleasing my parents and always tried my best to do so.

"Thanks." I sniffed back tears and regained composure.

"When do you start?" He asked. I thought for a second before realizing I hadn't checked that part. I picked the letter up off the bed which was where I'd put it after reading it word for word to my parents.

"Um…in three weeks." I gasped. I didn't realise it would be so soon.

"Excellent! It's good that it's soon; you'll be going into it fresh without having a long gap to forget things. The sooner you start the quicker your career will take off."

"Yeah, I suppose. But what about Europe?" It suddenly hit me I wouldn't be able to go.

"I'm afraid you'll have to cancel. It's not pleasant…I know, but you can't turn down this offer. Pupillage's are hard to come by these days, you're incredibly lucky." Dad was always the straight talking one that knew what was for the best.

"Yeah, will they refund me?" I sank down onto the bed, the elation of my career beginning suddenly clouded by me having to drop out of the trip.

"They should do, you'll be giving fair notice, so it shouldn't be a problem."

We carried on talking about what I was going to have to do for a good hour. Harry popped his head through the door to say they were going, Dad was rambling on about canceling things so all I could do was smile, wave and mouth "Enjoy" to him, before he rushed out to join the others. I could hear them laughing as they made their way down the corridor, until the lift muffled their voices.

The conversation between myself and my parents ended soon after. I got dressed and decided to go shopping. I was about to begin my career after all, that definitely called for new clothes.

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