Chapter Eighty-Six:

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"So I still need to try and beat you at Mario Kart" Louis grinned as he flopped onto the sofa next to me. I can't believe he was still worried about that. It had been going on for years.

"You're such a glutton for punishment" I laughed and rolled my eyes as he pushed a wii remote into my hand.

"I've been practicing" He puffed his chest out with pride and went through the options of setting the game up. "I think you may finally be beaten."

"I'm not saying anything" I smiled. I didn't want to act cocky and then lose if he had been practicing. We chose our players and the vehicles we wanted and the game began. The large white letters counted down so we could begin.

We were racing around corners, over taking the other characters and flying over gaps between paths. Louis whooped as he over took me which pulled Harry into the room. He sat down in the single arm chair and watched eagerly as Louis and I competed for first place. I laughed as I over took Louis which caused him to groan loudly and for Harry to chuckle softly. We kept going like that, him over taking me and me over taking him until the last lap. "Here we go" Louis grinned, he was in front of me by this point until we rounded the corner, the finish line was in sight, and Louis crashed into a rock at the side of the pavement. Taking the chance I steamed ahead and shot through the finish line, large letters filled the screen displaying "WINNER" in gold. "Oh. My. God" Louis growled. "I would have won if it wasn't for that fucking rock!" He ran his hand through his hair and sighed. "We'll do this again soon. I'm determined to beat you" He turned to me and grinned. "I hope you have a boy, I can take him under my wing and make him better than you, and then we'll both kick your ass"

"Can't wait" I laughed.

"I'll get Harry on side too. I'm sick of losing to you!" He sighed.

"Lilo, chuck me the remote" Harry winked. I threw it across the room to him and he caught it in one hand. "C'mon Louis" His wrist flicked about as he set the game up for another race and I left them too it as I went to do some work. Louis' whooping and groaning told me who was winning and losing for the next two hours as they sat and played, both sprawled out on the sofa in their scruffs.

I turned around to find Harry leaning against the door frame, looking at me seriously. "What's wrong?" I asked, tucking my feet under me.

"I just got off the phone to management" He began. He shoved his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. "They want us to do another UK tour." He frowned, a crinkle appearing between his eyebrows. "They're giving us a month of rehearsals and stuff and then they want us touring for another month."

"Why aren't you more excited?" I asked. He was normally bouncing at the thought of going on tour, right up until the minute they left. This was really uncharacteristic of him.

"I'll be non stop busy for two months Lilo. I won't be around much" he sighed.

"Hazza, it'll only be months 6 and 7, they're pretty nothingy, I'll be working as well anyway. You'll be back for the important parts. "It's not a problem."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" I laughed. "Seriously, I can look after myself and it'll be your last tour before you're thrown into a world of nappies. Make the most of it."

"Okay" he smiled. "but if you need anything phone and I'll be right back, without fail."

"Harry, honestly, I'll be fine!"

He sighed. "Okay, I can't help but worry you know"

"I noticed" I smiled. He headed over to me, kissed me on the top of my head and left, leaving me to the masses of work I had to finish.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now