Chapter Thirteen:

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We decided to go to Starbucks, It was the one I worked in. He sat at the table in the corner if the room where nobody could see him.

"Hey Lilo, coming in on your week off, are you missing us that much?" Alex laughed. Alex was my best friend at work. He was short and had dreadlocks that stuck up at all angles. His black work polo shirt was tight on his arms, clinging to the muscle, his green apron covering his chest.

"You bet Alex, I missed you so much I just couldn't stay away!" I winked.

"I'm flattered." He clutched his chest like I'd just declared my love to him. He was such a joker. "Your usual?"

"Yep, times two please"

"Coming up Madame!" his French accent was cringe worthy.

"I've been waiting all day for one of these!" Before I'd even put it down Harry was picking up his drink.

"You'll get a…"

"Brain freeze!" he groaned.

"…brain freeze" I finished.

He was rubbing his forehead with the palm of his hand, glaring at his Frappucino like it had spat at him. Eventually it must have gone because he resumed drinking and looked at me seriously.

"I got a phone call last night" he said.

"Yeah?" I didn't really know why he was telling me this. I dunked my straw in and out of the cream on my drink as I watched him carefully.

"When do you have another holiday?"

"Um, my summer starts at the beginning of June, why?" Now I was confused. What did my term dates have to do with it?

"We have to go to America at the end of June. I was hoping it would be when you were still busy so I wouldn't miss you as much, but it's not."

"Oh, right. Why do you have to go?"

"To promote the album, it will have been released here for a month before we fly out there to promote it."

"Sound cool! So you're going to be on things like Ellen D'Generes?" This was really exciting news. One Direction were HUGE in Britain and they were as equally as popular in America!

He laughed "Probably. But that means I probably won't get to see you much. You'll be going home wont you?"

"Yeah probably, but not for all of it. I'll be working and stuff. So I'll be in London a lot as well."

"Epic, I will get to see you then!”

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