Chapter Fifty-Six:

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"I never want to eat again." I huffed as I sat on the end of the bed to pull my shoes off. "Nandos will be the death of me." In response Harry laughed from inside the wardrobe. I pulled the last shoe off and flung it on the floor before flopping backwards onto the bed.

I lay on my back, looking at the white ceiling as I thought about how much better Harry looked. He'd eaten loads, his old appetite was clearly back and his skin had that healthy glow to it again. He'd had some part of his body touching mine the whole day, either a knee touching mine, a hand on my leg or a shoulder resting on mine. I wouldn't have changed it for anything. My eyes slowly fluttered closed as I began to doze off slightly into a food coma. A sudden figure on the mattress next to me woke me up properly. I opened my eyes to find Harry's tanned, healthy face looking down at me with a lopsided grin crinkling his eyes.

"What?" I sat up to face him. He was sat cross legged, looking at me like an excited child.

"Nothing" he laughed before pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back even though I didn't understand what he was laughing at. I gradually pulled away and looked at him.

"Have you had too many pain killers?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Definitely not. I haven't had any." He hopped off the bed and wandered back into the wardrobe before quickly coming back out. He sat back on the bed, breathed deeply and began to speak.

"Lilo, We've been together for about a year now, it's a short amount of time, I know, but the tour made me realize I didn't want to spend a minute of my life without you."

My heart suddenly sped up. Was he about to propose? He took my hand in his and I squeezed it gently, encouraging him to go on.

"It would make me the happiest and proudest person on the planet if…" He suddenly stood up, my heart officially stopped. He knelt down and looked me in the eye. He took a small blue box out of his pocket and put it in my hand. I knew the color of that blue box very, very well. "…you'd do me the honor of being my wife?" he asked quietly. I screamed. Well, not literally, in my head. In a state of shock I opened the box to come face to face with biggest, shiniest diamond ring ever. A large square diamond was sat against a platinum band, cushioned by the Tiffany blue velvet.

I looked back to Harry who was nervously kneeling on the floor in front of me. I put the box to the side of me, which caused his face to drop, before slipping to the floor next to him and wrapping my arms around his neck. "I'd love too." I half laughed and half cried. His eyes met mine and he suddenly beamed at me. He laughed excitedly as he reached for the ring on the bed and slipped it onto my finger. It fitted perfectly.

He lifted me up, even though his stitches probably hurt, and threw me onto the bed. "I can't believe we're getting married!" He called. I laughed in response. I was unable to speak I was so ecstatic.

Our eyes met as we pulled each others clothes off. "I love you so much." I whispered when his lips met mine.

"I love you too." He grinned, before pulling me onto him.

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