Chapter Seven:

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"Harry! We need you in position now!" A voice called from on the stage. I looked up and saw a woman with a microphone on, clutching a clip board. She tapped her watch at Harry, saw me looking and frowned.


"Don't mind her, she's just angry because I'm a bit late. Take a seat and enjoy" He kissed me on the cheek, smiled and ran off.

I sat on the front row, dead centre. I felt so small and inadequate sat in the massive arena. People were talking to each other through walkie talkies, bustling around carrying clip boards and pens. People called to each other and gestured wildly at things.

The normal lights dimmed and it became dark. Spot lights burst on, landing in 5 places on the stage. Before I knew it One Direction popped up on stage surrounded by smoke, lights started flashing and music started playing. It was a song that I'd never heard. It must have been off the new album that wasn't released yet.

Liam was singing first. It was a fast song, they were jumping around the stage, as they do, full of energy. They all sang together for the chorus, it was a really good song.

Then it got even better. The music slowed down, the lights dimmed again and only one spotlight was left on. It was pointed at Harry. He was singing his heart out. No other voice was singing, just his perfect voice filling the arena. Goosebumps broke out up and down my arms and legs. His solo was about a minute long, then the music picked up and the boys joined back in.

They sang about eight new songs that nobody has heard before and five old ones. What Makes You Beautiful was obviously included. I was honored that Harry had brought me here today.

Eventually the music stopped, the lights went back to normal and the smoke slowly began to clear. The boys jumped down off the stage and spoke to the blonde woman with the clipboard.

"Hey" Someone came and sat down next to me. I looked over and saw Danielle, Liam's girlfriend.

"Hi" I smiled.

"I'm Danielle, you must be Lilo?"

"Yeah, that's me, nice to meet you."

"You too, so what did you think?" She was smiling at me. Her teeth were perfect! She was wearing tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. Her feet were bare. I then realized why. She was one of the dancers, she'd been dancing with the boys the whole time and I hadn't noticed. I'd been focused only on them.

"It's really, really good! I can't believe he brought me here!"

"It is, isn't it?" She smiled over at the boys.

"Danielle?" She looked up at a man in jeans and a shocking pink top.

"We need to go through some of the moves, come on!" He called over to her.

"Sorry, I have to go. I'll get your number off Harry, we should meet up some time" She stood up and left, waving at me as she went.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now