Chapter Ninety-Five:

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The bench was cool as I sat on it. The cold had seeped through my jeans but I didn't mind. I was quite warm from the walk, being pregnant for 9 months had really reduced my fitness levels. The sun was shining through the leaves of the trees, bathing my skin in warmth where it was touching me and the sound of children laughing and squealing as they ran around in the playground near by was a calm respite from the silent apartment and Harry's angry voice. I was sitting back and looking up at the clouds as they floated over slowly and calmly. I was envious of them at that moment. They didn't have a care in the world.

I heard gravel crunching but didn't think anything of it; plenty of people had been walking past me for the last hour. I closed my eyes and let the slight breeze cool my face. The gravel stopped making a noise and I felt the warmth of another body join me on the bench. I still didn't open my eyes. I knew it was Harry, I could smell his aftershave before he'd even sat down.

"I'm sorry" he said. "I over reacted, I was just shocked because I didn't have a clue that it had happened, I was angry that you didn't tell me and I was scared. I don't really know why." He stopped talking and I didn't rush to speak. It felt right to leave a silence. I didn't think he had finished speaking. "I was scared because anything could have happened and it worried me to think like that even though I knew for a fact that it didn't because well Patrick is fine and you're fine." I opened my eyes and looked over to him. "I'm really sorry." He looked so guilty but I was more surprised to see he was alone. Patrick wasn't with him. "He's with Niall." He added, sensing my shock.

"It's okay" I smiled. "I'm sorry too. I should have told you, I just didn't want to cause trouble and then I forgot. Next time you'll be the first to know."

"Next time?" He smirked, raising an eyebrow. "I hope to god there isn't a next time!" He took my hand in his and squeezed it.

"You know what I mean" I laughed. I squeezed his hand back. "Fancy leaving Patrick with Niall for a bit longer?" I asked cautiously.

"I was kind of hoping that we could." He smiled. "I feel like we haven't been alone for ages even though it's only been a week."

"I know what you mean. We've had everyone dropping in and non stop phone calls. It hasn't been just us." He pulled me closer as I spoke so my head was eventually resting on his shoulder.

"I think people may have guessed we've had Patrick now though those girls over there have clocked us and they've definitely got their phones out." He said, squinting over to see if they were taking photos.

"You should have your glasses on. Squinting won't help." I nudged him in the arm but looked over to where he was looking too. There were three girls who looked about 16. They were huddled together but kept looking over to us and the angle they were holding their phones at was obvious that they were taking photos. "Yeah, we've been caught." I sighed. "What do we do?"

"Tweet about it." He said simply. "Everyone will know then. Nobody has said anything on there but the boys have noticed a few fans questioning whether we'd had him yet or not."

"Then it's time to let them know." I smiled. Harry leant back a bit to slide his hand into the pocket of his tight skinny jeans and pulled out his phone. I watched as his thumbs slid across and tapped the screen and pulled up all the photos he'd taken of our son.

"Which photo?" He asked, putting the phone in between us so we could both see it. He scrolled through photos of Patrick sleeping and smiling from over the last week and we watched as our son looked younger and younger as the photos got older.

"I like the one from the day he was born, with all the boys." I pointed to it as it came up. I was holding the baby; Harry had his arm around my shoulders and we were both smiling down at our son. The rest of the boys were looking at the camera and grinning, but their bodies were angled slightly towards us, making us the focal point.

"I do too" he nodded. "We could post that one and then one of him sleeping from the other day." He opened twitter and started to compose a new tweet. "Or I could post this one and you could post another one." He stopped typing to look at me.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. You do that and I'll do the one of him sleeping from the other day where he looks like he's smiling." I leant back, the same way Harry had, so I could get my hand in my pocket and slide out my phone. He resumed typing next to me and then showed me his phone before I had even unlocked mine.

Underneath the picture it said "Meet my son, Patrick Wolff Styles, born at 12pm, September 6th."

"What do you think?" He asked me once I'd finished reading it.

"It's nice" I smiled. "Send it" I grinned. I was suddenly really excited for everyone to know about Patrick. I watched as his thumb tapped "Tweet" and the photo and writing came up on his news feed. "What do I say for mine?" I selected the photo I was going to put up and hovered my thumbs over my phone keypad as I thought.

He looked up as he thought, a crease formed between his eyebrows as he frowned. "This is so hard" he groaned after a while. "Who'd have thought thinking of what to say would be the hardest part?"

"I know!" I didn't say anything else as I typed "Meet Pat" and left it at that. "Short and sweet" I smiled as Harry read over my shoulder before I pressed send. "Done."

"And let the replies and mentions roll in" he smiled. "Fancy going home? I have some taco's in the freezer."

I sighed at the thought of it. "That sounds amazing. I really don't feel like cooking." I stood up, eager to get home and eat as my phone buzzed away in my pocket. I reached out, took Harry's hand and pulled him up off the bench.

"Me either, then we can get Patrick. I miss him already you know." He admitted. I bumped my hip into his side and smiled.

"Me too. Although it's nice to not have him crying!" I confessed.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now