Chapter Fifty-Three:

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As I stepped into the room my confidence left me as I saw Harry lying in the hospital bed. His face was pale against the white sheets and pillows on the bed and one of his muscular arms had a drip in the hand and a hospital band on his wrist. His eyes were closed and his head was back on the pillow, his hair was still perfect, the only thing that made him look normal.

Louis and Niall sat down in a chair each. There were three empty ones left which I assumed the rest of the boys had been sat in before they left. Copying their actions I sat in the seat nearest Harry. His eyes opened as I took his cold hand in mine.

"Lilo." He croaked. He must have woken up recently.

"Hey Hazza" I smiled, trying not to sound shocked at how rough he looked. "Not the best reunion is it?" I joked.

He laughed croakily and coughed, clearing his throat before speaking. "Yeah, sorry about this." He smiled sadly, his voice sounded a lot more normal now, just really tired.

"Babe, it's okay. I just hope you're alright." I brought his hands up to mine and kissed them. "I missed you so much." I whispered.

"I missed you too" He smiled. "And I'll be fine. I can go home tomorrow."

"So what happened?" I asked, wanting to know how he'd ended up here.

"I was on the plane when I started to feel a pain in my side. I thought nothing of it, thinking I was just hungry and I'd be fine after having a Nando's once we landed – " He grinned at this. "- but we got off the plane and it was even worse, the boys started to worry, I still didn't think there was a problem until I collapsed on the way to the mini bus." He squeezed my hand when I grimaced as I imagined it happening. "The next thing I know I'm awake in the hospital being told my appendix had ruptured and I was going into surgery. I told the boys to leave and then I woke up to Louis kicking off because Martha - the nurse - wouldn't let him in." He smiled at Louis. "Then you stormed in with them both, completely breaking the rules, causing me to love you even more." This time he kissed my hand. "I'm going to have a wicked cool scar to remember this tour by." He grinned wickedly as he looked down at his side.

"But you're okay." Niall said. Harry nodded in response, smiling. "See, Lilo, I told you." Niall reminded me. "You'd have found it so funny Hazza, I was in the kitchen making a sandwich when BAM Lilo's in the door way holding a can of hairspray like a baseball bat! She saw me and dropped it. She even screamed!" He was slapping his thigh as he laughed.

"I did not scream." I mumbled as I glared at him. "He's exaggerating."

"What use would a can of hairspray be?" Louis laughed.

"It was a big can!" I groaned. "and if it didn't give him a good case of concussion after knocking him out it could temporarily blind him. He'd have been in a sticky situation." I grinned.

The boys laughed at the pun I'd slipped in. "I'm so glad I wasn't a burglar. I mean, you looked terrifying with your hair all over the place and the wild glint in your eye." Niall winked at me.

Louis and Niall were both laughing together about my attempt at self defense. I noticed Harry was pretty quiet on the bed, only laughing softly. I realized he must be in pain.

"Do you need anything?" I asked quietly, leaving the boys chatting.

"No, I'm okay thanks. I'm just gutted I couldn't surprise you the way I wanted to. This wasn't the grand come back I'd planned." He smiled sadly.

"It's alright. You're back now and that's all that matters."

"Hazza, we're going to head home if that's okay." Niall said, suddenly serious. "We're shattered. At least you had a nap while you were out cold, we haven't slept since last night."

"Oh god, I totally forgot! You guys didn't have to stay, I'm sorry. Thank you for being here."

"It's okay." Louis grinned. "Of course we'd be here for our best friend. We'll come back tomorrow."

Niall and Louis carefully hugged Harry goodbye before waving at me and leaving us alone. The room was suddenly very quiet, the only sound was the beeping of the many machines filling the room.

"I'm so so glad you're okay." I whispered. "As soon as Niall said you were in hospital I immediately thought the worst, I don't know what I'd do without you."

Harry's hand wiped the tears that had spilled over away from my cheeks with his thumb. "I'm fine Lilo, you worry too much."

We sat in silence for a while, our hands locked together, until a nurse entered the room. She was short and round with wiry, greying hair. Lines surrounded her dark eyes and her red lips were set in a tight line.

"What are you doing in here?" She barked. "He's just had surgery, he needs his rest! Visiting times aren't until later. You need to leave."

"I…" I started. Harry interrupted me.

"Martha, this is my girlfriend Lilo. I haven't seen her for the last two months and the first time I get to see her and she gets to see me I'm lying in a hospital bed after having surgery. Surely you can let her stay." He pleaded.

"I'm sorry Mr. Styles, she needs to go." She obviously didn't want to give in so I looked at her and sighed.

"Fine, I'm going." I turned back to Louis before speaking. "I'm going to go home, shower, ring into work and tell them I can't come in before coming back. I'll see you then."

"Work! Omg yes! You have to tell me all about it!"

I couldn't help but smile at how excited he sounded. "Will do. I'll see you later." I kissed him on the forehead, picked up my bag and left the room, brushing past the pit bull nurse that glared at me as I went.

I left the hospital and climbed into my car. I sat with my hands on the wheel, watching the sun as it came up, thanking whoever it was up there, for keeping Harry alive and not letting anything seriously bad happen to him. I wiped a stray tear from my eye, started the engine and left the car park.

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