Chapter Thirty-Seven:

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Liam held her hand tightly. His knuckles were white as he held her delicate hands in his own. They grinned at each other and both had eyes full of tears yet to fall.

Bay and I sat together, dabbing at the few tears that spilled over as they said their vows. Zayn, who was usually serious and solemn, didn't stop smiling once during it all. He was uncharacteristically cheerful.

Before we knew it the vicar announced "You may now kiss the bride!" His powerful voice filled the small church that was filled with family and friends. Liam pulled her towards him and kissed her passionately on the lips. Harry whooped loudly and the rest of the boys joined in, cheering and clapping. The whole church joined in and they walked down the isle together to the sound of clapping hands and cheering people. Their smiles were so wide and happy they could be seen from space.

"That was so romantic." Bay sniffed. She squeezed my hand as we left the pew and followed the crowd outside.

"I know. She looks gorgeous and Liam looked so happy. They're perfect for each other."

We stood with the rest of the crowd as they had photos outside of the church. The sun streamed down making the area shine. The weather couldn't be better on such a big day for them.

There was such a sweet photo where Danielle was stood between all of the boys, her hand clasped with Liam's while the boys had their arms around each others shoulders. They all grinned happily, not one of them needed to force a smile. They hadn't stopped from the minute they saw her.

"Do you think we should head to the reception now?" Bay asked.

"Everyone else seems to be going."

The new married couple had just left in their vintage Aston Martin, headed for the reception venue. The boys were following behind in their cars.

"Yeah, let's get a taxi."

"As you all know, I'm a man of very few words." Louis began. A quiet chuckle went around the room. He'd just stood up to say his speech. He was the last one. "I just want to say how proud I am of one of my best friends tonight. He has found the perfect woman and I hope that one day I find a love like this. They are two incredibly genuine and sweet people that are perfectly matched. I wish them all the happiness and luck in the world, to Liam and Danielle!" He called as he raised his champagne glass in the air.

There was a round of applause as he sat down and took a sip of his drink. Liam leant across to him and whispered in his ear before looking back to Danielle and kissing her on the cheek.

The music started. Liam pulled Danielle close towards him as they twirled around on the floor, just the two of them under a spotlight. The music floated around the room as they danced, their eyes absorbed on each other.

The song and their first dance ended so people slowly began to get up and dance. I felt warm hands land on my shoulders so I turned my neck to see who it was. Harry's brown face was smiling down at me.

"May I have this dance?" He beamed, extending a tanned hand towards me.

"Of course" I placed my smaller hand in his and he pulled me up to him. We walked onto the dance floor, him in front, leading me through the dancers so we were right in the centre.

He kissed me on my bare collar bone before pulling me into his arms. My hands linked behind his neck as his hands settled on my hips.

"You look gorgeous." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled shyly; his eyes were firmly locked on mine as though they were staring into my soul. "You look rather dashing yourself."

"Why thank you my lady." He chuckled. We danced and swayed slowly along with the music. My head was rested on his shoulder. My shoes had been taken off long ago and left under my chair. I'd been sat on a table with his parents and Bay.

As we twirled on the hard wood floor I didn't want to be anywhere else. I'd decided to drink that night as it was a special occasion so I was slightly tipsy, but not as drunk as Harry.

"I love you." He called to me above the music as the song changed to a more up beat one.

"I love you too man!" Louis called as he span past.

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