Chapter Fifty-Seven:

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I sat at the desk in my office staring at the shiny ring on my finger. I smiled as I remembered the night Harry and I spent together after he'd asked.

We'd only left the bed twice, once to ring my parents and once to ring his. They were all really excited. My mum and Harry's mum both cried and our Dad's congratulated us. I was surprised to hear my Dad mumble "Finally. You asked about a month ago!" which caused me to look at Harry and grin. He'd done it all properly; he'd asked Dad permission and only done it once he'd said yes. He's amazing.

"Lilo?" Nigel's loud voice broke my train of thought. "Can you come here please?" I pushed my chair away from the desk and stood up. I couldn't help but glance at the sparkle of my ring that was reflected in the glass door.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We're going to the court now; I need you to take plenty of notes as you'll be writing it up later. It's part of what I have to mark for the end of your first six." His deep voice didn't soften or quiet, even when I was in the same room as him. Sometimes I think he forgets he isn't stood in a court room.

"Okay." I went back to my office to grab my bag and the things I'd need before heading back into his room.

"You ready then?" He asked as he slipped on his coat.

"Yeah." We left the building and headed out to his swanky car for another awkward drive to the court. For a powerful man that was used to speaking in courts, or bellowing, should I say, he sucked at general conversation.

I slid into his car and he followed. As usual I did up my belt and went to look out the window at the same route I watched every day. I'd spent so many car journey's watching where we were going I could do it with my eyes closed.

"So." Nigel cleared his throat. "I should wish you congratulations." I looked at him and he was smiling, for the first time since I'd met him, and looking at the ring on my finger.

"Thank you." I smiled. I turned to look out of the window, thinking he was done talking but he spoke again.

"What's his name?" He asked. It wasn't in a weird way; he was being polite and trying to make conversation that for once, was actually starting to work.

I couldn't help but grin at getting to say my fiancé's name. "Harry Styles." I didn't really expect a middle aged, upper class Barrister to know who he was, but the flash of recognition that shot through his eyes surprised me.

"As in, the one from One Direction who likes cats?" He raised his eyebrows.

I laughed at his description. "Yeah. I'm surprised you know who they are." I admitted.

"My daughter is their biggest fan. All I ever hear is news about them or something they've tweeted. She's obsessed with Harry. He's her favorite."

"He's my favorite too." I smiled. "I'll have to get them to meet each other." I was surprised he had a daughter, let alone knew who One Direction were. I knew he had a wife but he'd never mentioned having a child.

"Oh gosh, If you did that she'd love me forever!"

"Then I'll see what I can do." I laughed.

I sat down in the chair Harry pulled out for me and looked around the table at the expectant faces of One Direction, all except Niall. He was passionately staring at the bread basket in the middle of the table, desperate to have a piece. Zayn saw what he was looking at and rolled his eyes. "Dude, just have a piece." Niall looked up, embarrassed, before shrugging and reaching across to take a piece.

"So I have some news" Harry started.

"You're gay?" Harry asked, looking worryingly excited.

"You're quitting the band?" Liam gasped.

"You're shaving your hair off?" Niall mumbled through a mouthful of bread.

"You're actually a woman?" Zayn frowned.

"Um, no, no, no and no." Harry laughed. "But nice, realistic suggestions there guys." He winked. "As you know, I dragged you around about a million jewelry shops in Paris until I found the perfect ring and yesterday I finally asked Lilo to marry me." The rest of the guys all sucked in an expectant breath at the same time. Harry let his statement hang before an excited Louis looked to me.

"Did you say yeah?" He asked, his eyes wide.

"Um, yeah" I laughed. "I doubt I'd be here otherwise."

"Woah! Congratulations!" Louis whooped, causing the rest of the guys to burst out congratulations and excited grins.

"Who's going to be best man I wonder?" pondered Liam, smirking slightly.

"You all know it's going to be all of you! Obviously!" Harry laughed before reaching across the table to fist pump the fist Zayn had extended over the table.

"What color dress shall I wear?" Niall asked, causing the table to erupt into laughter before the champagne bottle popped open.

The food arrived and we ate amongst conversation about weddings, suits, colors and venues. I felt like I was on a table full of girls with what they were talking about. At one point Zayn looked at me seriously, before announcing "Ivory will go great with your skin tone." The boys playfully punched him and laughed, causing him to crack a shy smile.

"I love weddings." Liam sighed before raising his champagne glass into the air to touch everyone else's.

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