Chapter Eighty-Seven:

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(A month later, the boys are on tour)

My phone rang as it lay on the table in front of me. I put my pen down and picked it up. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey Lilo, fancy meeting in Starbucks? I could do with a chat."

"Bay? You're home?" I was shocked to hear from Bay, I thought she was going to go back to Ireland for a while, I especially didn't expect her to be in London and wanting to meet up.

"Yeah, I came back the other day. So do you?" She asked. I think she was trying to move on from why she was back.

"Sure, which one are you in?" I started shoving things into my hand bag and slipping my feet into my shoes as I held my phone to my head with my shoulder.

"The one down the road from the apartments." As she spoke I could hear the sound of the coffee machines in the background.

"Okay, I'll be there in 5 minutes."

"See you then." She said and hung up. I dropped my phone into my bag and pulled my coat on before grabbing my keys off the side and leaving the apartment. I decided to take the stairs, I never take them, I just wanted to stretch my legs I suppose, "A warm up" for the walk to Starbucks. It's strange that Bay was back so soon, she told me she would be gone for as long as possible, I'd have to ask her.

My phone buzzed in my bag, I pulled it out and found an email. Expecting it to be something from work I checked it, it was junk, so I slipped my phone back into my bag as I took a step onto the next stair. My ankle twisted as my foot came into contact with the carpet, it carried on up to my knee, I fell down onto my side, the pain was excruciating as my head smashed onto the corner of the step, making my eyes blur and eventually everything went black. Nothing hurt then.

My vision swims as I force my eyelids open. I'm still lying at the bottom of the stairs; I don't know how long I've been there for. I lie where I am and try to assess the pain. My ribs are saw, my ankle is aching and my head is absolutely pounding. I shakily reach for my bag which I'd managed to hold onto as I fell. I pull out my phone and find three missed calls off Bay. My fingers wobble as I tap the green dial button.

"Lilo?" She gasps, the phone had only rung once. "Where are you? I've been waiting for almost an hour, I'm only five minutes away."

"I fell" I whisper. "I fell down the stairs in the apartment, I don't think I can get up" I feel tears roll down my cheek as the fear for the safety of my child kicked in. What if I'd hurt it?

I heard her gasp "I'll be there now! Don't panic" She hangs up and I drop my phone onto my bag. I put my head on the step as the slowly increasing trickle of blood ran into my face and waited for Bay to come and help me.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now