Chapter Thirty-Eight:

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I was sat at the table next to Harry talking to Niall and Bay who were opposite us, sat in Anne and Robin's seats whilst they danced together on the dance floor. Every so often we'd burst into laughter at the old school moves they were busting out.

Anne had one hand on her hip, feet shoulder width apart while her other arm was pointing to the ceiling and to the floor alternatively. Robin was dancing around her, spinning his arms around each other in front of his chest. Harry was hiding his face in his hands with embarrassment.

"They are so pissed" Bay giggled. She had also had a lot to drink. Her eyes were glassy and she was flushed in the face. Her blue hair was beginning to fall out of the sleek, straight pony tail she'd put it in.

"I know" Harry mumbled. His head was resting in his crossed arms on the table, hiding with shame. I took a sip of my champagne. My no drinking rule had gone straight out of the window.

"Will someone dance with me?" a small voice asked. Harry looked up to see Gemma stood next to the table both smiling. She was wearing a blue dresses with white ribbons around her waists. Her hair was curled into ringlets.

"I will" I said as I kicked my shoes off again and offered to grabbed her hand and pulled me up with another. She smiled up at me and took it.

She laughed happily as we twirled around in circles, her dress flowing out around her. Harry danced past with Daisy who was laughing and squealing as he picked her up and twirled her in the air.

"When are you and Harry going to get married?" She asked as we danced to the music. The DJ thought it would be funny to play "What makes you beautiful" so all the boys were singing along.

In my tipsy state I couldn't help but giggled like a child at her question. I'd never thought about it before. "I have no idea." I smiled.

"I hope you do. Can I be a bridesmaid?"

"If we get married I guarantee you will be the first person I ask." She squealed and hugged me tightly.

"Excuse me Madame" harry interrupted, bowing to Gemma. "May I have the honour of having this dance?"

She smiled brightly and giggled as she let go of my hands and took his. Before I knew it Daisy was grabbing mine and spinning me around in circles again. I shrieked with surprise and she bent double laughing at my reaction. She composed herself and spun us around again, singing along with the music. It was about 1am, I was surprised they were both so awake.

We danced for another few songs before she admitted she was tired and went to sit down with Louis and Felicity who were both laughing at some secret conversation they were absorbed in. He'd shed his black jacket and tie, like the rest of the men in the party, and was in his white shirt with the collar unbuttoned and the sleeves rolled up showing his tanned, strong forearms.

He grabbed Daisy and pulled her onto his lap where she stayed sitting for quite some time, laughing and chatting with Louis. Before long Phoebe went over to join them and I felt Harry's arms wrap around my waist. I twisted around so we were face to face and smiled when my eyes met his.

"Do you want another drink?" He asked.

"Please" I sighed. "I'm desperate for one."

"Me too" he pulled me over to the bar where we sat down on the tall stools. He ordered himself a beer and me Vodka and orange, my drink of choice.

"So, are you enjoying?" his warm hand rested on my bare knee.

"Definitely, I love a good wedding." I took a sip of my drink as he paid the barman. "Are you?"

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