Chapter Four:

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It was a few days later when I got the heart stopping text.

"Hey, fancy going out tonight? If you do I'll pick you up at 5! :)"

I started at the screen of my phone with a huge grin plastered across my face for a good 5 minutes. I finally snapped back into the present and replied.

"Sure, see you then. What shall I wear?"

I didn't want to be totally under dressed and end up in a swanky restaurant or over dressed and end up in KFC! He replied within seconds.

"Great! Casually. I'll see you later, we're in rehearsals! x"

There was a kiss. My heart DEFINITELY stopped this time!

"Ok, enjoy! x"

I spent the next hour deciding on what to wear, it was only lunchtime! I decided on a flowery dress and a blazer. I couldn't wear heels. I noticed I was the same height as him when we were stood outside my door the other day. Being 5 foot 9 and a girl definitely had its disadvantages. So I chose my pumps.

There was a knock on the door.

I opened the door as I sucked in a breath. What I saw made it stick in my throat. He was simply breath taking.

He didn't disappoint. He was in a tight white shirt, blazer, jeans and sneakers. He grinned at me, his white teeth mesmerizing me, shining out from his perfectly tanned face.

"Hey" I breathed out as I spoke. It came out in a gush of breath. How embarrassing.

"Hi, you look lovely" he smiled, glancing at my outfit.

"Thanks. You scrub up quite well too." I said, trying not to giggle like a loser.

"So lets go" He grabbed my hand and pulled me down my steps. My door shutting as I went. His strong, warm hand felt perfect in mine.

"Where are we going?"

“It's a surprise, close your eyes!”

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now