Chapter Thirty-Six:

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"I really liked your parents." Harry whispered in my ear. His arms were wrapped around my waist, my back to his chest as we looked at the drinks in the service station. "Do you think they liked me?" He reached up and grabbed a Red Bull from the top shelf, one arm still around my waist.

"Of course they liked you! They all got on well with you and my brother thought you were brilliant." I reached up and got a Red Bull for myself and Harry steered me around, we walked around the shop, him with his arms around my waist, me holding the basket which he occasionally dumped things into.

The woman at the till smiled at us as she scanned the items. We'd bought loads of junk food; we had a four hour drive ahead of us. I handed her the money and grabbed the carrier bag. Harry took it out of my hand and wrapped his free hand around my waist.

"That beach was gorgeous and the restaurant we went to, my god it was stunning!" We jumped in the car and I opened the bag of Starburst, choosing a red one and un-peeling it before starting the engine.

"I thought you'd like it." I smiled. I looked over my shoulder as I reversed out of the space.

"Did you realise your accent changed as soon as you spoke to your parents?" He laughed.

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I didn't know it happened.

"Yeah, you normally have a bit of a weird accent."

"Thanks" I laughed.

"No, I mean, it's a bit more English than it is Welsh but it changed to being more Welsh than English."

"Oh great. I thought I'd gotten rid of that accent. I was always the one in school with a weird one. Both my parents have an English accent so I kinda picked it up." I pulled onto the motorway and shut my window against the rain. The nice weather had suddenly ended that morning. We woke up to grey, cloudy skies.

"It was cool. How come they have English accents?" He turned the radio up a bit to drown out the sound of rain and the motorway noise.

"We're all English. They were born there and so were my brother and I. We moved to Wales when I was two." I explained as I looked in my mirror before pulling into the next lane.

"That explains it then"

I pulled up outside my house. It was 10pm and Harry wanted me to go back to his house. I quickly ran inside trying not to get too wet. I grabbed my hoodie and a few more clothes and ran back to the car.

"Phew" I sighed as I climbed back into the car, brushing rain drops off my trousers.

"I love it when you stay at mine." Harry said as he pulled his head off the head rest and looked at me. His hand reached across and played with my ear. I leaned my head into his hand and kissed his wrist which rested by my lips.

"Me too." I pulled away and drove the way to his house that had become ingrained on my memory. I could do it with my eyes closed now, although it probably wouldn't be safe.

We'd been in his apartment for half an hour when there was an insistent knocking on his door. He shot me a confused look before leaving the room to get it.

"Hey guys." Harry said. I turned around to see Liam and Danielle burst into the living room. They both looked so excited. Following behind was the rest of the guys.

Louis looked half asleep as he sat next to me on the sofa. The hood of his hoodie was pulled up, covering his hair. He was clearly wearing pyjamas and looked as though he were about to go to bed. Zayn and Niall sat next to each other opposite. Niall was on his phone, having a whispered conversation. Liam and Danielle stood up facing us all as Louis sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Can I ask" Harry started. "Why I suddenly have you all in my apartment?"

"We have some news" Liam said, his deep voice rumbling through the room. He grinned at Danielle before looking back to us. "We've set a date for the wedding." All eyes were suddenly on them. Niall had put his phone back in his pocket and Louis no longer looked so tired. "It's in six weeks."

Suddenly everyone was on their feet, crowding around them both, hugging Danielle and smacking Liam on the back. I hugged Danielle and she grinned. "You'd best hurry up and get a dress." She smiled.

"I will, don't you worry about me. You need to get one!" We went through to the kitchen to get champagne from the fridge and glasses.

"I've got my eye on a few things." She shyly smiled. "Do you fancy coming with me on Tuesday? We can bring Bay too. My mum can't get down yet, so I was hoping you two would come and give me some advice."

"Of course!" I squealed. "I'd love to!" She laughed and pulled me into another hug before we grabbed a few glasses each and took the champagne back through to the boys.

"To Liam and Danielle!" Louis cheered as he popped the cork from the champagne bottle.

"To Liam and Danielle!" everyone cheered in reply.

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