Chapter Fifty-One:

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After a few weeks I got into a rhythm in work. I'd spend my days shadowing Nigel as I was supposed to and my evenings would be spent either reading the many emails I received from the girls or chatting on the phone with Harry. Nigel was fun to work with, he wasn't creepy, he wasn't mean and he wasn't to friendly. He was strictly business and nothing more.

I flopped down on the the bed after another day at work. Time had practically flown by. It's August. I think. I'd been working so hard I didn't know the day, let alone what was the date.

The weather had been typically British, hardly any sun and barely warm, yet the last few days it had begun to improve. The French doors leading out of the bedroom onto the balcony were slightly open, the evening breeze was softly blowing the curtains open and an orange glow filled the room as the sun began to set. I changed into my P-J's and slid into bed. "6:30 am wake up. Oh the joys." I thought to myself as I pulled the quilt up around my chin, before getting too warm  and throwing them back off.

I tossed and turned in the heat until I eventually fell asleep on my back like a star.

(A few hours later)


I woke up in shock. "What was that?" I thought panicked. I could swear I heard a noise. I sat up and clutched the quilt to my chest, as if it were a steel sheet that could protect me from anything. I heard a thud and a faint cry of "Shit!" I was definitely scared now. I reached to the bedside table to check the time on my phone. It was 4:30 in the morning. I dialed 999 ready before climbing stealthily out of the bed and grabbing a can of hairspray from the wardrobe. I tiptoed to the door and pulled it open slowly. I could still hear movement from behind it, but now it was coming from the kitchen. I lightly stepped through the living room to get to the kitchen and quickly kicked the door open: they'd know I was there sooner or later, no use prolonging it. I had my phone ready, my thumb hovering over the dial button and the hairspray can held high in the air, ready to attack.

The fridge was open, the only source of light in the room. I could just make out a body bending into it. They wouldn't find much to steal in there. I needed to go shopping. They obiously hadn't heard me coming in; thhe mechanical hum of the fridge must have drowned out the sound of my foot booting the door open. I crept further into the room so I was next to the fridge.

I yelped with shock as they stood up and slammed the door shut. My shick startled them as much as the door slamming startled me. I dropped the hairspray and phone. They both landed on the floor with a clatter. The unidentified person loitering in my kitchen also dropped their items. A tub of butter and a lump of cheese (the only items in the fridge) hit the floor.

I elbowed the kitchen light on to make sure my eyes wern't deceiving me. They most definitely wern't.

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