Chapter Forty-Three:

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I lugged the large box through the apartment door and kicked it shut behind me. Who'd have thought a bunch of books would be so heavy? I gave up on trying to carry it so pushed the box across the floor towards the bookshelf which was against the living room wall. Harry stepped through the kitchen door as I finally got next to it.

"You know…" I started as I stood up to stretch my back. "I can't believe you have a book case but nothing on it. It's just empty."

Harry laughed as he bent down to look at the books I'd brought with me. "We're two guys, did you really think we'd read?" His eyes bulged at the size of one of the books he'd pulled out.

"No, I didn't. That's why I'm amazed you even have a book case." I started to place my books on it in order of height. My OCD had suddenly burst back out once I'd started to move in.

"We just got it because it would fill a bit of space." He admitted. "And now it finally looks complete." He grinned as he started putting books on the shelves starting with the biggest ones. He'd obviously caught onto my method.

"I'm surprised Bay said yes to moving in with Niall. I didn't think they were that serious."

"Same, I thought she wanted to carry on taking things slowly like they were." He got bored of putting books on the shelf and sat down on the sofa. I put one last book on the shelf and joined him. "So, roomie, what do you want to do tonight?" he asked. I giggled and kissed him on the temple.

His lips found mine and we locked into an embrace that went un-broken for quite a while until a quick cough broke the silence. We both looked up to see Louis stood in front of the window. He'd managed to come into the room without us hearing.

"Hey guys" Louis said cheerfully. "I brought Nessa round for lunch. You don't mind do you?" He gestured to Nessa who was stood next to the sofa looking embarrassed to have walked in on us kissing on the sofa…passionately.

Harry cleared his throat before sitting up and straightening his top that had been rumpled up by my hands tracing his chest. I blushed as he gestured to my hair with his eyes. My hands shot to my hair and smoothed it down.

"Yeah, that's fine." said Harry as he stood up. "We're going to…um… carry on stacking the bookshelf." He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the sofa. He bent down to open the box as Louis looked at us, grinning cheekily.

Harry and I pottered around the apartment for a few hours, setting my stuff up and sorting things out. We'd skipped lunch and left Louis and Vanessa to eat alone. At about 4pm I sat down on the bed with a huff.

"Moving in takes a lot of effort" I fanned my face to cool myself down.

"Tell me about it" Harry flopped onto the bed and pulled me back so we were both lying down. "I'm gutted you have uni tomorrow. I wanted to spend the day with you…Christen your new home." He turned his head to look me in the eye and winked. "Louis' out for the day so it would just be us." He took my hand in one of his and played with my fingers. Slowly, he spun the Tiffany ring he'd bought me round and round on my finger.

"Well…" I sighed, my other hand falling into his hair. "I'm only in for an hour and a half in the morning… I'll come straight home and then I'm all yours." I twiddled a strand of hair and smiled at him.

"I like you calling this your home." He kissed the fingers of the hand he was playing with.

"So do I" I grinned before leaning into kiss him. Before our lips could touch the bedroom door flew open. Louis.

"Dinner's ready! Chop chop, hurry up, come on." He grinned madly as he flailed his arms around and pushed us out of the door.

"You're doing this too often Tomlinson…" Harry muttered "Next time beware." He said louder this time.

"My pleasure guys. Now hurry up, it's getting cold." He said hurrying us through the kitchen door. The stone tiles were cold against my bare feet; Harry's hand was warm against the small of my back.

"Hey Ness" I smiled as we sat down.

"Hi." She smiled back.

"Tonight, my friends, I serve Tacos!" Louis appeared at the edge of the table with a plate full of his best dish.

"You're forgiven!" Harry gasped. Before Louis could put the plate down he'd grabbed as much as he could and piled it onto his plate. Harry just shook his head and grinned.

"So…Nessa, what are you studying?" Harry asked between mouthfuls.

"English" She smiled.

"Man that's cool. What do you want to do after?"

"I'm not sure yet. Teach or write, I can't decide." She took a sip of her drink and Louis smiled at her. He'd fallen for her hard, it was easy to see.

"Well, if you write you know three people who'll definitely buy the book." Harry smiled before turning his attention back to his plate.

We carried on eating and chatting. Louis spent the majority of his time with his free arm wrapped around the back of Nessa's chair as she sat with her body angled slightly towards his. It was clear they were mad about each other.

I helped Harry clear the table when Louis called through from the other room. "We're going next door. See you in a bit!" before we could reply the door between Louis' and Harry's apartment shut loudly and we were alone.

I looked at Harry and raised an eyebrow. "He's gone next door? Wow…he never goes there anymore."

"Yeah…but that means we're alone too…" He looked at me with a wicked look in his eye before taking the plate that was in my hand and putting it on the side. "Let's make the most of it." He lifted me up, causing me to squeal with shock and carried me to the bedroom, pushing the door open with his hip and dropping me on the bed. I giggled as he kicked the door shut and climbed on top of me, only stopping when his lips met mine.

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