Chapter Eighty-Five:

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"Thank you for a lovely holiday" I sighed as Harry unlocked the front door to our apartment. I squeezed his hand as I stepped through the door which he held open for me.

"Anytime. Thanks for coming with me and you know, doing all my talking for a week because I can't speak French"

"Anytime" I laughed. He took both of our suitcases into our bedroom as I went to sit down. I came to the sofa and nearly jumped with fright. Bay was curled up in a ball on the chair, her eyes red and swollen as though she'd been crying for hours and she had her hands inside her sleeves, pressed up to her chest. "Bay?" I gasped. She looked awful. I rushed over and sat next to her. "What's wrong?"

"Lou Louis let me in" she stuttered as she cried. "Do do you mind?"

"Not at all. What's the matter?" she didn't answer me, just wrapped her arms around my waist and buried her face in my lap while her whole body shook with sobs. Harry came back into the room, he must have heard us talking, and shot me a confused look. All I could do was shrug.

"I'll be back in a minute" He frowned. He grabbed his phone off the table and left the apartment, he was probably going to see Niall.

"He broke up with me" Bay whispered. I looked down at her and saw she's stopped crying. "He told me he couldn't do it anymore." She sat up and rubbed at her eyes, spreading the tears around her face as I sat there stunned. "He said he loved me, but he couldn't be in a relationship at the moment." She sobbed again, this time there were no tears though.

"Bay" I began.

"Don't say you're sorry" She sighed. She rubbed a hand across her face and sighed again.

"I wasn't going to" I admitted. "I was going to say he might change his mind. Just give him some time."

"Pfft" she laughed once it was a hollow, distraught sound. "I doubt it. He was very adamant. He even checked himself into a hotel last night so I could have time to move out."

"Do you want to stay here? We have a spare room. Just say if you want it. It's all yours"

"I can't do that" She shook her head. Her blue hair was tangled from where she'd been pulling her fingers through it.

"You can. Harry won't mind and I definitely don't"

"Thanks for the offer but I'm going back to Ireland for a few weeks. Maybe get some writing done while I'm there. I can't stay here and couch surf until people get fed up and kick me out." I watched as she twiddled her fingers as she spoke.

"Okay, if you're sure. Just let me know if there's anything you need me to do." I smiled at her sadly. I couldn't believe that Niall had broken up with her. I thought they were going to get engaged!

"Thanks" she sniffed. "I'd better go. I have a ferry to catch. I wanted to see you before I left." She stood up from the sofa and flattened her wild hair. "You look great by the way. You're glowing" She tried to smiled but it just crumpled. All I could do was stand up and hug her as tightly as I could.

"Call me when you get there" I whispered into his shoulder. She nodded in response before pulling away, smoothing her hair again and heading towards the door.

"Look after that bump" She said as she turned to face me. "How long do I have to hide out before I get to come and be the best god mum ever?" She winked.

She was trying to act happy but I could see the pain in her eyes. "4 months to go." I smiled.

"I'll definitely be back for that if I'm not back sooner." She waved once before leaving me alone in the apartment.

I was genuinely shocked that Niall had broken up with her; I thought he wanted to marry her. I was so wrong it was scary. I was about to unpack when Harry returned. He came straight over to me and pulled me into a tight hug.

"What's that for?" my voice was muffled as it was pressed against his chest.

"Just glad things are okay for us. Seeing Niall and Bay made me thankful that we're lucky." He kissed the top of my head before looking at me. He stretched his arms out and held my shoulders in his large, tanned hands so I was an arms length away from him. "Niall's a mess" he sighed. "He still loves her. I just don't understand what he's done this for."

"Perhaps he just needs a break. I dunno. I just hope they sort it out before it's too late."

"Yeah" Harry smiled sadly. "Me too" He pulled me towards him, kissed my forehead and stepped away. "What do you want for tea?"

"I could seriously kill for chocolate fudge cake right now" I sighed. "Can we skip the main meal and go straight to that?" I fully expected him to laugh and head towards the kitchen and cook pizza or something, so his reply surprised me.

"I'll be back in a minute" He grinned before grabbing his car keys from the desk draw where he'd kept them while we were on holiday and headed towards the door.

"I was joking you know!" I called so he could hear me as the door swung shut.

"I'm not!" He laughed, his voice getting quieter as he headed away from the apartment.

I stepped out of the wardrobe after hanging up the clothes we hadn't worn to hear the microwave beeping. I followed the scent of warm, heavenly chocolate to the kitchen where Harry was sat waiting. There were two steaming bowls on the table and a jug. "Hot chocolate fudge cake with cold custard m'lady" Harry grinned, gesturing to the table in front of him.

"My favourite" I sighed as I slid into the chair opposite Harry's. I looked into the bowl in front of me and gasped. "There's like, half a cake in here!" I picked my spoon up and tapped it against my lips as I watched Harry's face break into a smile.

"I know. It's your meal. You can't have less than half a cake for your main meal! You'd starve!" He picked up his spoon and dug in.

"Hardly" I rolled my eyes and grinned at him. I poured on a load of custard from the jug and took a mouthful.

"There's cheesecake for dessert as well" Harry added before taking another bite.

I swallowed my mouthful and gaped at him. "Seriously?" He nodded in reply before swallowing.

"Definitely. You're eating for two and I'm eating what you do. This is the best meal ever!" He grinned.

"You're nuts" I laughed. "Seriously, I worry about our child!" I winked.

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