Chapter Seventy-Nine:

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"This is awesome!" Zayn whooped. "The first 1D baby!" He pulled Harry and I into a hug, all of us laughing together.

"Congratulations guys." Liam smiled. I think, deep down, he was a little sad, him and Danielle wanted children but her work schedule was through the roof, she'd recently told him she wasn't ready yet so I felt a bit bad.

Harry slapped him on the back. "Thanks man." I said my goodbyes and left all the boys to chat about Harry becoming a dad. They all seemed so excited.

Upon returning to our apartment I entered the bathroom and twisted the silver tap to start filling the bath with warm water. I looked around for the vanilla scented bubble bath and poured a load into the slowly filling tub. I quickly realised, when the bubbles kept growing, that I'd added a bit too much, but it looked great. I sucked in the scent before turning the tap off and leaving my clothes in a pile on the white tiles of the bathroom floor. I'd read somewhere once that pregnant women shouldn't have really hot baths, so the water was comfortably warm as I slid into it. The bubbles came up to my neck as I rested my head on the edge of the tub and closed my eyes.

The scent of warm vanilla filled the room as I lay in the bath and thought everything through. I was going to be a mother. Harry was going to be a father. We we're going to be parents. I didn't know how to look after a child, but strangely this didn't worry me. I had Harry and deep down I'd always known he'd be an excellent dad. For the first time that day since hearing the news I let my hands float down to my stomach and they rested there. It didn't feel any different. It was just my normal stomach; in about a month or so I'd start to show.

I opened my eyes when the bathroom door clicked open. "Here you are." Harry said from the door. He was leaning against the doorframe looking at me. "You mind if I join you?" He smiled. He started walking over to me and sat on the edge of the bath.

"Not at all" I replied. His hand reached out for my face and traced a light finger over my cheekbone. I took my hands off my stomach and reached out to Harry, they dripped water down his back, but it didn't matter. I took the bottom of his t-shirt and started to pull it up, he laughed quietly, a soft rumble that caused a stirring in my stomach. I loved him so much. I tugged it up so it was over his tanned, muscular shoulders before he took it off the rest of the way. Then his trousers came off and before I knew it he wasn't wearing anything.

I slid forward as he stepped into the bath behind me with a sigh. "This feels amazing" he whispered as the warm water swallowed him up. I was sat between his legs, our legs tangled at the ankles. I lay back so my back was against his chest, his chin resting on my head. His hands snaked around my hips and rested on my stomach where mine had been minutes ago. I placed mine on top of his and linked my fingers into his so it was hard to find where mine ended and his began.

"I can't believe there's a baby in there."

"I know" I whispered. "It feels…surreal." I squeezed his hand as I spoke.

"I promise you that I'll be here for you through all of this" His chin moved against my head as he spoke. "You'll never be alone for any of it."

The sincerity of his voice made me well up slightly. At least I could pass this off as hormones. "Thanks" I managed to croak out. The talking kind of stopped there. We lay in the bath in silence, our hands still pressed against my stomach, on top of our unborn child, until the water turned from warm to luke warm and luke warm to cold.

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