Chapter Ninety:

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"Oh god I'm so nervous! Look at me, I'm shaking!"

"Bay you'll be fine" I squeezed her knee in reassurance. "It's not like he's going to slam the door in your face, this is Niall we're talking about. He doesn't have a bad bone in his body!"

She stood up and paced around the room before the door opened and Harry stepped inside. Bay looked at him, as he looked at her in surprise, and left the room quickly. "I'm doing it!" She said as she left.

"Good luck!" I called after her before the door slammed shut.

"Um, what's going on?" Harry asked, confused.

"Long story" I sighed before pulling him into a hug. "I missed you" I mumbled, my head pressed against his shoulder.

"I missed you too." He kissed the top of my head before sliding his hands down to rest on my stomach which stuck out between us. "Not long left" he smiled.

"Nope, just a couple of weeks. It's September 1st tomorrow, so it could be any time."

"I can't wait to meet him or her." He kissed my head before stepping away. "What's wrong with Bay? I thought she was in Ireland."

"She was" I nodded. "But she came back, she had some, um, news to tell Niall but she didn't know you were on tour."

"What news?" He sat down on the sofa and rested his head on the back of the chair.

"Um, she's pregnant"

Harry spluttered before sitting up and looking at me. "Woah. Really?" I nodded in response, watching him as he sat forward and put his head in his hands. "I definitely didn't expect that."

"Neither did I" I smiled. "She's really nervous about telling him."

"Bless her, she'll be fine. Niall's missed her loads; I think he was going to ring her anyway when we got back." He stood up and rubbed a hand over his face. "I'm going to go and jump in the shower, I'll be back in a bit. I'm all tour bussey and gross." He stood up and grabbed his suitcase before wheeling it into the bedroom.

"She's still not back?" Harry asked as he stepped onto the balcony wearing a fresh t-shirt and a pair of shorts. His hair was wet and tousled. He sat down opposite me and tucked his bare feet under him. I put my book down on the table, next to the one Bay had left there and looked at him.

"Nope. She's been gone an hour and a half, they probably have a lot to talk about." Harry pulled my feet into his lap and slowly started rubbing them. "That feels amazing" I sighed. His face broke into a grin and he started tickling them. I laughed and pulled them away quickly putting them firmly onto the floor, he knew how ticklish my feet were. I twiddled the pen lying on the table between my fingers as we sat in the sun, it was still quite sunny and warm for practically the beginning of September.

"True. So what have you been doing while I was gone?"

"Oh you know, running 10 miles a day, weight lifting, so many strenuous tasks." I winked.

"I can tell, you've never looked so thin" he raised an eyebrow.

"Hey!" I threw the pen at him. "Technically you made me like this." I smiled smugly.

"And I don't regret it" he laughed. He picked the pen up and put it back on the table. "But really, what have you been doing?"

"Nothing. Literally been sat here reading or inside watching films. There wasn't really much I could do alone." I couldn't tell him about the fall. It would put a downer on our mood, he was happy to be home, I was happy to have him home. I didn't want to tell him yet.

"You must have been reading a lot, your face is browner and your arms are." He reached across the table and picked up my glass of sparkling water. The ice cubes chinked as he lifted it to his mouth and took a massive swig.

"That's good. I hate feeling pale"

"Me too" he grinned. "Anyway, I got you something." He jumped up and headed back inside. He was back out again seconds later with something held behind his back. "That time we were shopping in bunny outfits, we did it for a laugh, but I wanted to get you something. I don't really know why but I was thinking when the baby was born we could engrave their name on it or something." He handed me a turquoise bag, the turquoise that immediately screams "Tiffany and co" at you.

"Omg Hazza, you shouldn't have! There was no need."

"No, Lilo, it's fine. Take it." He put the bag in my hands and sat down opposite me. I pulled out the box and untied the pristine, white ribbon. Inside the box was the blue pouch and inside the pouch was a silver bangle. It was about an inch thick with an edge that was beaded by the tiniest silver balls.

"It's beautiful" I gasped. I slipped it onto my wrist and held my arm out in front of me to look at it. "It's so nice. Thank you." I stood up to kiss him, but he got there before me. He pushed me back down gently and kissed my forehead.

"I'm glad you like it." He smiled. "I'm going to put some food on, I'm starving. Spaghetti Bolognese okay?"

"Perfect" I nodded, still looking at the bangle on my wrist.

The front door slammed open and Bay came running into the kitchen where Harry and I were sat eating. "He still loves me!" She grinned. She sat down on the chair at the head of table and caught her breath. "He said he regrets breaking up with me and that this is the best news he's ever had." She laughed with joy. "I can't believe it!"

"That's great" Harry said before taking another massive forkful of spaghetti and cramming it in his mouth.

"It really is." I added. "Do you want a drink or anything?"

"No no, I'm not stopping. I just came to get my stuff if that's okay. I'm going back home." She smiled.

"That's fine. You know where it all is." I said.

"Thanks for letting me stay here Lilo and you were right." She kissed the top of my head before leaving the room as quickly as she entered.

"Told you" Harry said after swallowing. He lifted his bottle of beer up in a toast, I tapped my glass of water against his and he grinned. "To Niall sorting himself out"

"To Niall" I laughed. "Thank god it's all sorted."

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