Chapter Three:

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I looked up as Rose came flying across the gym and grabbed her in a tight hug. For a moment my vision was blurred by the mass of dark hair until Rose pulled away and grinned at me.

“You’re playing so amazing!” she yelled and grabbing my hand as she began to pull me towards the group of boys standing a few feet behind her. Harry stood a little apart from the crowd and his eyes were on me.

I smiled happily as he wound his fingers through both of my hands and said, “You look incredible out there.”

I could feel myself blush and I was just about to respond when Bay came up behind me putting both hands on my shoulder, “You are kicking ass.”

His hands withdrew quickly as he added, “You’re all sweaty. Gross.”

Harry’s thumb still stoked up and down my hand while he watched silently. I turned my attention back to him and whispered, “I’m not playing very well.”

His brow turned down in confusion, “Really? Babe you look amaz-“

”-I’m not,” I cut him off with a low voice and he leaned closer understanding this confession was for his ears alone, “We’re only ahead by a few points and I’ve made some mistakes that have cost us points.”

“Listen,” he said softly but firmly and he placed his hand delicately on both sides of my head while his thumb brushed down my jawline, “All you can do is place as hard as you can.”

“I guess,” I whispered still unconvinced and my gazed fell to my feet.

Harry pulled me back up to meet his eyes and he reached forward and kissed me gently. When he drew his lips back I could hear my coach calling her back over. Harry winked as I began to pull away and said loud enough that only I could hear, “I know you can do this Lilo.”

It was the last serve of the game. The other team had continued to battle back and the score was still uncomfortably close. My heart was racing as I glanced back towards the server who bounced the ball once experimentally before preparing to throw it into the air. I felt my stomach lurch with nerves and automatically I felt my eyes shift through the audience to meet the pair of desired light ones. Harry smiled and nodded once reassuringly and feeling a surge of confidence I returned my focus to the game as the server threw the ball up into the air as my fist collided with it. The ball soared over the net, returned with ease by the opposing team.

Lilo moved into place as her teammate volleyed the ball up high into the air. It was almost directly above me and while my body aligned itself to strike, my mind focused on the unwavering faith of the green eyes. I jumped with impeccable timing and knocked the ball over the net, over the heads of the front line of blockers and directly onto the hardwood floor of the gym.

My teammates cheered victoriously and I felt herself being lifted into a hug by the closest member. The others gathered around for quick high-fives as they huddled together in the ecstatic joy of triumph. While they celebrated I sought once more for Harry, and with relief I noticed him heading down the stairs of the bleachers. Following him I could see the wide grins of my friends, all pointing at her and crying out. I broke free of my teammates embraces and jogged over to them. They were all grinning but in particular she focused on Harry’s proud smile. He wrapped his arms around me as I reached him and before the others could launch into a bombardment of congratulations he whispered into the skin of her neck, “Told you.”

"I was wondering if you wanted to go out sometime. I've known you for only two days but I really want to get to know you some more, if that's okay with you?" He asked as we stood facing each other, outside my front door.

"He just asked me out!" I thought excitedly.

"That sounds great" I smiled. "You have my number, get in touch"

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now