Chapter Nineteen:

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Walking through the door I was faced with a large window looking right out onto the beach. Through one door there was a white room with a large white bed and chaise lounger. There was a plasma T.V on the wall and a floor to ceiling window also looking onto the beach. The main room had a small kitchen unit (not that we'd use it) a large, white sofa and another plasma T.V. Every thing was white! It was beautiful and so clean looking.

I flopped onto the bed and sighed as I kicked my shoes off. My eyes were closed when Harry flopped down next to me and started kissing my neck. My hands were in his hair as he kissed from my neck to my temple.

His hands were running up and down my body, I pulled his shirt over his head and he un-did my jeans. Once they were off he pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him. He pulled off my top and then flipped me onto the bed so he was on top.

"Harry!" I giggled as he nibbled my ear lobe.

"I love you so much" he mumbled into my ear before showing me how much he did.

The scorching sun reflected off the iridescent sea, the turquoise waves licked the sand and the toes of people running in and out of it and the clear blue sky stretched above us for miles. I pulled my sun glasses down over my eyes turning the colorful scene into shades of grey.

The smell of sun tan lotion filled my nose as I rubbed more onto my legs. The sun was so hot I could actually feel it turning my skin brown.

"I love this smell!" I sighed after inhaling another lungful of the scent. I looked to my left to see Danielle in a pink bikini lying on her front on a rainbow colored towel with her face resting on her beach bag. Next to her was Bay. She was wearing a plain white t-shirt over her black bikini top and the matching bikini bottoms.

"Me too…" Bay nodded "Which is a good thing I suppose seeing as I have to slather myself in the stuff so I don't burn! Curse this Irish skin." She sighed.

"Bay, you have beautiful skin!" Danielle mumbled, she was still lying with her face in her bag.

"You do" I agreed. I made sure all my sun tan lotion was rubbed in before I rolled onto my stomach and lay the same way Danielle was; with my head resting on my clothes.

"Three weeks of this is going to be bliss." I mumbled.

It was our first proper day out in L.A after sleeping through the most of the first official day. Bay, Danielle and I had been exploring that morning after the boys had gone to do what they had to do. We'd come across some small, gorgeous shops that sold one of a kind bohemian jewelry. I'd spent a fortune!

We'd been on the beach for the rest of the day after we'd finished draining our account. My tan was already deepening and Bay was already burning.

My phone rang in the pocket of my shorts that just so happened to be pressed up against my face. The vibration made my cheek shudder and I was giggling as I answered the phone.

"Hey babe, it's Harry" His gorgeous voice filled my ear. I could hear him smile as he spoke. It's impossible to hear someone smile but with Harry his voice changed whenever he did. You had to listen really closely to hear it and it was beautiful.

"Hey! How's work?" Every time I heard his voice butterflies filled my stomach.

"It's good, we're having a break then going back in for a few hours. What are you up to? I miss you."

"I'm currently lying on the most beautiful beach ever, on the phone to the most beautiful guy ever. I miss you too."

"You're amazing" He chuckled. "I'm glad you're enjoying, I was just ringing to check that you're enjoying and to tell you I'm taking you out for tea tonight, so dress up smart."

"I'm intrigued. I'll be ready"

"I also wanted to tell you I love you…." There was a muffle and a bit of static and then he came back on. "Sorry, that was Louis, I have to go now. I love you."

"I love you too." I was smiling stupidly as I put my phone back into the pocket of my shorts and rolled onto my back. I opened my eyes to find both girls staring at me.


"Someone is madly in love!" They both cooed.

"I am, I really am!" I laughed back.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now