Chapter Six:

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There was a knock at the door. I grabbed my bag from where it was hanging on the banister and checked my eyes in the mirror. I'd woken up with dark shadows that I'd desperately tried to cover up. I was SO tired! I'd been talking to Bay for an hour the night before about Harry.

I swung the door open and was greeted with the gorgeous sight of Harry. His hair was perfect and his face was flawless. I froze when I saw what he was wearing.

"Oh god, I'm going to go and change" I went to turn around but he grabbed my arm.

"Don't! You look perfect! I'm dressed like this for a reason" now he had a hand on each of my shoulders, holding me in place.

He was wearing trackie bottoms, a hoodie and trainers. I, on the other hand had a summery dress, a jacket and red Toms on. I felt overdressed and awkward.

"But look at what I'm wearing, it's like, overdressed!" I sighed.

"You're not. Trust me, you'll understand" He pleaded with me.

"Okay, but if it turns out I am massively over dressed and I look like a knob, I wont be impressed!"

"You won't, please, trust me, you look gorgeous"

"Okay, fine. Thanks" He kissed me on the cheek and pulled me out of the door.

He opened the passenger door for me to get in the car and closed it behind me. Seconds later he was pulling his seat belt across him and starting the engine.

Ed Sheeran was playing and I sung along quietly.

"You're a good singer" Harry said looking at me.

"Hah! No way. Not as good as you!"

"Seriously, you are! But, lets be fair, nobody's better than me" He winked at me.

"Copious amounts of modesty you have there Mr. Styles."

"Now now, don't put me down with your fancy vocabulary!"

We had banter the whole way there, Louis was so fun to be around.

"Here we are" Harry slowed down as we approached a security gate.

I looked up from my phone, where I'd been replying to a text off Bay. I gasped with surprise. I hadn't expected this at all. I thought we'd go to the cinema or something, not the O2 arena!

"Wow…what are we doing here?" I struggled to speak I was so surprised.

"Watching us rehearse for our tour. It's a secret; nobody knows we're touring yet. I thought it would be fun for you to watch."

"Omg. This, is amazing!"

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