Chapter Eight:

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"So, what did you think?" Harry grinned as he walked up to me.

"That was amazing! I can't believe you brought me here! Your solo was awesome in the first song" I stood up and walked into his open arms.

"I'm glad you enjoyed. Thank you" He squeezed me tight and kissed my head before we were interrupted.

"So, what did you think?" The rest of the boys had arrived.

"It was really good. The new songs are great" Harry still had his arms around my shoulders.

"Thanks! You'll have to come and see a show when there's an actual audience. It's awesome when there are people here" Liam said.

"It's awesome without people; god knows what it'll be like when it's full!"

"We're glad you liked it. We have to head off. We have to be at the office for a meeting. Is it okay if I drop you home first?" Harry asked me, the other boys started to talk amongst themselves about their performances. Harry pulled me away from the group a little bit so we could talk.

"Yeah, that's fine."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know we had to go in. I had more plans for today, can we rain check?" He looked sad. It hurt to see him not smiling and happy like he always is.

"It's fine, I have some work to do anyway, but yeah, when are you next free?" I smiled reassuringly and squeezed his hand.

"I'm working all day every day up until Friday now, then the week off. Are you free next Saturday?"

"I am indeed; I'll go to my parents for the week this week, it'll give me something to do, every one I know is either working or at home."

He held my hand as we started to walk out the same way we came in. He swung my arm back and for, banging it into his thigh.

"Sounds good, then I want you all week. That okay?"

"That's great. I should be able to get my Uni stuff done while I'm home and I have two weeks off work, so I'll be all yours."

"Perfect". I only realised he'd stopped walking when my arm yanked when I got too far. I turned to look at him and he pulled me into him. He tilted my head up and kissed me.

"I can't wait."

We pulled up outside my house. The drive home had been quicker than the drive there.

"So I'll see you Saturday." he said as he turned in his seat to face me.

"Yeah; have a good week." I leaned in to kiss him goodbye. It was gentle but passionate.

"You too" he mumbled over my lips.

"I'd better go, you're going to be late" I sighed.

I opened the car door and said goodbye. I walked round the front of the car and up the path to my front door. I was about to climb the steps when he called out of the window.

"Don't gush about me to your parents too much! Leave them something to discover themselves!" He winked and pulled away.

I stood on my doorstep laughing to myself like a lunatic. I pushed my door open, thinking to myself.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now