Chapter Sixty-Three:

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I was sat in the Aston Martin with my new husband instead of my father this time. His warm hand was in mine and he wouldn't stop grinning at me. I mirrored his smile, I couldn't help it. I was so happy I felt like I could burst!

"You look beautiful" He whispered for about the millionth time, which caused me to blush each time.

"Thanks…You look rather dashing yourself." I giggled.

"When you walked down that isle my heart was going at about 1000mph. I've sung in front of thousands of people but never have I felt that kind of rush." He squeezed my hand as he spoke.

I didn't know what to say in return, his emotion stunned me, so I kissed him softly on the lips in reply. "Seeing you at the end of the isle made me want to sprint down it. It was the slowest walk of my life."

"I tend to have that affect on people." He winked.

The song played as I twirled around the dance floor with my Dad for the father/daughter dance. It was just us, everyone was watching and I didn't mind. My head was resting against his shoulder as our arms were up in the dancing position. I was shorter than him again as I'd discarded my heels under the table at least an hour ago.

I could faintly see the flashes of cameras, but my attention was on my Dad as he spoke in a hushed voice that only I could hear. "You deserve the best Lilo and I think you've found it. I'm very happy and proud of you."

"Thanks Dad." I murmured into his shoulder.

"…and if he ever hurts you, remember you have myself and your brother. Never hesitate to call either of us."

I couldn't help but laugh at that. "Thanks dad, but I don't think that's going to happen."

"You never know." He mumbled. We carried on dancing for the rest of the song when I felt my dad stop. I looked up to be faced with my brother.

"My turn!" His loud voice boomed. "Come on Lilo!" He took my hand off my dad's shoulder and waited for my dad to kiss me on the cheek before pulling me into the dancing position.

"I assume dad just gave you the 'if he ever hurts you' speech?" He asked.

"Yup. Are you going to give it too?" I grinned up at him.

"No. Just want you to remember that it's true." He ended the conversation there and pulled me around the floor in his disastrous attempt at dancing.

We carried on dancing until the song ended. I went to sit back down next to Harry at our table, when someone caught my hand. I looked and found Harry himself grinning at me. "It's my turn" He whispered just as the microphone squealed into life.

Someone cleared their throat before talking. "And now Ladies and Gentleman, we get to see Harry Styles attempt to dance with his new wife. It's time for the first dance." It was Harry. "And if I were you, I'd definitely film this. With Harry's dancing it could be very funny!" Chuckles rolled around the room as Louis bowed enthusiastically and went to sit back down.

I looked up to Harry who was slightly blushing. "That's embarrassing." He mumbled. "Everyone will definitely be watching me now." I couldn't help but laugh at how child like he looked as he tugged slightly at the collar of his shirt.

"I'm sure you'll be fine! Now dance with me Mr. Styles."

He placed his hand on the small of my bag as the music started. He gripped my smaller hand in his bigger one and we swayed to "Better Together" by Jack Johnson. My all time favorite song.

"You do realize you have to pat the dog and screw the light bulb at least once you know?" I giggled.

"Alright, but one thing…" He looked down at me, smiling softly.

"What is it?"

"You do it with me" He smiled smugly.

I laughed into his chest and shook my head. "No chance! Sorry."

"Come on! Please?"

I looked up into his eyes, he was pulling a puppy dog look that made me give in. "Alright" I laughed. "When?"

He looked over at the boys on their table, as I spun around I noticed they all had phones out and were filming us dancing. "This is so going to end up on twitter." He mumbled to no one in particular, then to me "The next time the chorus comes on." with a wink.

I nodded and waited as the verse ended. We carried on spinning until it began to speed up. He let go of my hand and took a step back, I turned to stand next to him and then in perfect synchronization we started patting the air with one hand and twisting a "light bulb" with the other. The boys on the table whooped and cheered whilst everyone else chuckled and giggled, not really understanding the significance of the move.

Before the song could end the rest of One Direction rushed onto the floor and pulled us into a group hug, which moved around the floor as Zayn and Louis jumped about, completely unable to stand still. This sort of signaled to everyone else that they could get up and dance as all of a sudden people were flooding the floor with partners and friends. I even caught a few trying out Louis' move, which caused me to laugh.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now