Chapter Ten:

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"My little girl's in a magazine! :O You look lovely hunny! Xx" I received her text as I walked through my front door. Instead of replying I grabbed the house phone and rang her. I told her I was home and we chatted about the magazine. Eventually I had to go and get ready.

After a long day of traveling I jumped in the shower. As I washed my hair I sang my heart out. I shaved everywhere and got out. I wrapped a towel around myself and stood in front of my wardrobe. What on earth was I supposed to wear? I picked my phone up off my bed and opened up a new message.

"Um, what shall I wear? :| xx"

My phone rang in response. I looked at the caller ID and it was Harry.


"You're such a girl! Worrying about what you need to wear!" he laughed.

"You do know I'm actually a girl don't you?" I asked in mock shock.

"You're a girl?"

"Funny, seriously, what shall I wear?" I pressed my phone between my shoulder and my ear as I rifled through my clothes.

"Hoodie, trackie bottoms and a smile"

"What? Really?" I wasn't keen on that. I wanted to look nice and presentable, not scruffy.

"Really. We're not going anywhere; we're having a night in. Can I ask you a favor?"

"Fine, hoddie and trackies it is. Yup, fire away" I grabbed my Jack Wills hoodie and my grey trackie bottoms.

"Can you drive over? My cars in for repair, I got a puncture this morning. Sorry"

"That's fine, but where am I going? I don't know where you live." I pulled on my pants and tracksuit bottoms with one hand.

"Oh yeah, um how about I walk to the shop around the corner and you pick me up and I'll show you where to go?"

"Yeah, sounds good. I'd better go, I need to sort my hair out and get my bag ready. I feel like a kid going to a sleepover!"

"You are going to a sleep over! I'll see you later. Byeee"

I giggled down the phone "Bye".

I threw my phone on the bed and carried on getting changed. I threw my toothbrush into my bag and a clean pair of underwear. I did my hair, grabbed my car keys and left.

I loved my car to bits. I got it when I was seventeen. I jumped into my vintage, purple VW beetle and plugged my Ipod into the dock. Ed Sheeran quietly filled the car as the engine started.

I drove to the shop a few streets away where we agreed to meet. Harry was stood there, dressed in a hoodie and tracksuit bottoms as well. His hands shoved into his pockets as he looked down the road.

I pulled up at the curb and beeped my horn. He looked around, not seeing me. I beeped again and eventually he saw me. He grinned a massive smile and strolled over to my car.

"This is such a cool car!" He said as he sat down, looking around at the interiors.

"It's my baby! I love it to bits! Where am I going?" I indicated back into to the road and carried on in the direction he said.

He sang along to Ed Sheeran in between giving directions and asking questions about my car, which as a girl, I answered very badly.

Eventually we pulled up outside what looked like a castle, but was really just a massive, massive house converted into flats. One Direction lived in it.

"Wow, you live here?" I was surprised.

"Yeah, we have one each although Louis never leaves mine. Before you worry, I kicked him out for tonight, it's just us." He grinned sheepishly.

"Wow. All this bromance business is a lot more than people think! Where shall I park?"

"You can park in my spot, turn right here" I pulled into a driveway that led underground. Harry stuck his arm out through the open window and typed in a code that made the doors sweep open.

I drove into an underground car park, stretching the entire span of the flats. He directed me into an empty spot in the corner. There were only four other cars in there. They were all glitzy and shiny cars that you'd expect members of a boy band to have.

"They're impressive"

"Yeah, the boys worship them."

"I bet they do!" We both got out of the car, I grabbed my bag from the back seat and the doors slammed shut, echoing through the car park. Harry took my bag, grabbed my hand and led me to a lift.

"Nice bag Mr. Styles, suits you" I winked at him.

He grinned "Thanks" he took a closer look at it. "Gucci? Bloody hell!"

He pressed the button for floor 6, the top floor.

"That's impressive. Here we are" He said as the lift stopped and the doors opened. He led me out into a plush, cream carpeted corridor with gold walls and lots and lots of mirrors.

We walked over to one of two doors on the corridor.

"This is mine, that's Louis'. We have a joining door inside." He nodded to the other door.

"Your dedication to this bromance is cute" I nudged him in the ribs.

He swung the door open, "Here we are." He held it open with one hand; the other guided me in, my bag hanging from his elbow. I walked through the hall into the main area.

"Wow!" I inhaled shock.

The apartment was huge! A large white sofa filled the main space, a massive plasma TV hung on the wall, one wall was glass, looking out over London, the kitchen was like something out of space, all gizmos and gadgets.

Doors were on either side of the hall, I assumed leading to bedrooms, bathrooms and Louis' apartment.

"Not bad is it" he smirked.

"Not bad? This is like, woah!"

He laughed. "Thanks"

He opened a door, put my bag in there and came back out. I kicked my shoes off next to his in the hall.

"Take a seat" he gestured to the sofa next to him as he flopped down. I walked over to him and sat down by his side. His arm came around my shoulders and pulled me close.

"I was thinking, we could eat the meal that I cooked, watch a film and then, I dunno. I didn't plan that far."

"Sounds great." My stomach rumbled to emphasise my opinion. Harry laughed, grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the table. He pulled my chair out, pushed it in as I sat down and brought plates over.

The table was laid perfectly. A single flower was in the middle, surrounded by tea light candles and the napkins were folded into triangles and neatly placed on the place mats.

"Did you lay the table or did Louis?"

"I did this! I'm offended! Are you impressed?"

"Very, it looks really nice." I smiled up at him as he put a plate down in front of me. "I feel totally wrong eating a meal like this in a hoodie."

He laughed "Me too, but we're in hoodies together, so it doesn't matter. What do you want to drink? I've got wine, Red Bull, Coke, water, lager or lemonade?" He leant against the fridge.

It looked so seductive. His arms crossed across his chest, the muscles tensing under the sleeves he'd pushed up over his forearms.

"I'll have a lemonade If that's okay." He grabbed two glasses and pulled a bottle from the fridge. He filled both glasses and left it on the side.

Sitting down opposite me he grinned, pulled off the covers over the plates and put them on the floor. "Voila"

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now